This is more indicative on the Oregon offense then anything. In regards to those schools you mentioned - it's all about the talent that comes from that school, what responsibilities they had, and the coaching. I find it funny you mentioned all those great QBs and schools but didn't mention USC but whatever. If you read this whole debate - it's not just about the school. It's the offense ran at that school. Texas Tech with Timmy Chang, Hawaii with Colt Brennan - part of great offensive schemes, but crap at the next level. I maybe wrong about Mariota as well, I have my doubts about him and I listed the reasons why about 100 times. Maybe you should fully understand the flaws I mentioned before coming at me with this particular post. Some flaws are worse then others.
No, you just stigmatize him by his college, by awful players that just happened to wear the same jersey as him and who you admitted he has NOTHING in common with. _
You could not be farther off. Well, actually if you just looked at stats and had never seen either of the play, I would not be surprised to see you compare the two. _
Im not saying he wont be better then Geno Smith , but connor cook being compared to blaine gabbert is also far off. And Geno Smith at this time in 2013 everybody was saying he was gonna be the first overall pick lol.
101s issue is threefold. He believes that if you haven't been ASKED to do something in college it's likely that you CANT do it at the next level. That the experience that Cook has gotten for 2 years as a 19-21 year old is not something that can be developed within 2 years to a intelligent, superior talented and more athletic 21-23 year old. A red herring at best. He also believes that Mariota is--and this is highly specific, extremely defined and quantifiable--"raw". Very "raw", too "raw", there is a "rawness" about him that makes him just too "raw" to get over his "rawness". Most other QBs making the transition from college to the pros are polished finished products but Mariota, too "raw". Besides the fact he's started every game his freshman, sophomore and junior years. He also really really really wants Amari Cooper. So understand his critiques and take them in context. _
So reading comprehension is also not your friend. I didn't call him Blaine Gabbert. I didn't compare him to Blaine Gabbert. I said I can't tell whether Cook is going to be a less mobile version of Nick Foles (pretty damn good) or a stronger armed version of Blaine Gabbert (pretty bad). That me MYSELF couldn't tell. There's a nuance there for you if you take the time to read and understand. Or you could just foolishly assume I called him Blaine Gabbert 2.0. _
Actually 2 points. Only idiots EVER said that. And by THIS point, even the idiots stopped saying it because the veil had come down and his otherworldly stats against the likes of Marshall and James Madison (who knew James a Madison played college football, I thought it was a girls school) had ceased and he was basically just a JAG throwing shovel passes to Austin and Bailey who were taking them to the house. _
Let's not go down that road lol - comparisons He plays nothing like Gabbert so I don't see why you are comparing the two. There was nothing special about Gabbert coming out of the draft. There was a lot to like about Foles though. I like several prospects. Cooper so happens to be at the top of the list for me. You really really want Mariota, so much that you don't even look at the other prospects. So any post you make should be taken with a sort of bias.
Absolutely I'm biased. But I'm not going to use my bias to ding another prospect like you. I like Cooper a LOT. Would love him. I also like Cook and will watch him more. But not at the expense of Mariota. _
Again I'm NOT comparing any of them. I'm saying for me MYSELF- I can't tell if he's going to be at either end of the spectrum. Not enough info yet. _
I'm not bias at all. Going by experiences and what I see in these players. I'm no scout. That's your preference and I have no issue with your preference. I myself have a different preference. I don't believe Mariota is the BPA in this draft right this moment. I said before - if we take Mariota, then fine let's see what the kids got, but I hope we have a plan for him to develop. I hope you guys are right on him but until that card goes to the commish, I will continue to have that preference. I will be looking forward to the match-up against Stanford.
101, you do realize that Oregon was not running a spread offense prior to 03. The change was made after Urban Myer defeated Bellotil's team in a bowl game. The change was made in 2005 and has continued since then. With the exception of Kellen Clemens just about every Oregon Quarterback, who made it to he pros plahed in a pro style offense.
Yeah but Akili Smith and Joey Harrington sucked 10-12 years ago and Clemens sucked 5 years ago therefore Mariota is going to suck. That's the mentality you're dealing with here. Makes no sense. The players are completely different and Mariota is 10x the player any of those guys were. It'd be like me saying "look how great Fouts was hhmmmm?" _
It is ridiculous, but I wanted to make him aware that those guys, with the exception of Kellen Clemens, weren't playing in the same offensive system as Mariota. I see this everywhere, but you have to JUDGE the PLAYER not the school.
100% The dumbest comment is comparing Geno and Mariota and their "stats" because they ran similar offenses in college. LOLworthy. _
You twisting what i said , i said Mariotta is for Geno Smith what Connor Cook is for Blain Gabbert , since you made that comparison.
Anyways I belive it would be better Mariotta then Amari Cooper as long as the investment is just this year first round pick.
I NEVER made that comparison. You need to learn to fucking read. But you're not the only one to say WVU Offense = Oregon Offense therefore Geno = Mariota. _