Shit. I was hesitant to believe that until I got to the part where he said, "what you are about to read is real." I hate to be the Question The Source guy, but I kinda question the source. Or, at least, question the conclusions the source is making. None of that is even remotely new information (although the author is doing his best to make it sound dire... clickbait at its finest). It's well documented. It's not a secret. And it supports the general understandign that it is very difficult for a virus to become both pneumonic and more virulent. At the very, very least, there are far more pressing things that would benefit from a similar degree of attention.
Yeah, but... If it's not airborne it's not a hot commodity for sale in the media or to use as political cannon fodder. There are a lot of very disappointed people out there now that the world is not potentially coming to an end.
I read The Hot Zone about 20 years ago so it's not a revelation. Definitely a clickbait "journalism" article.
It's been kinda funny to me to watch the news and have the experts tell everyone that everything is under control and ebola won't go airborne. Except it already happened in 1989 in Virginia.
well its confirmed, he has Ebola. He arrived here last friday. The only good thing is that I think I heard he stayed in his apartment though. The bad news is that he has a girlfriend and im sure they were close somehow since his return.
Nope. They're saying he went bowling in Brooklyn and took the subway the night before his fever. Jesus, doc.
Hope he lives through it. There are a lot of doctors who have put their lives on the line treating Ebola patients in Africa over the last year. We're all going to be better for it in the end because they're getting training on the front lines that they couldn't match in the classroom. There probably should be a better quarantine system for people who have been in contact with Ebola patients as they return to the US. It would help the doctors and nurses also because the quicker they catch this the more likely they can treat it effectively.
We need something better than a "self-quarantine" situation. He arrived in Guinea on Sept 18th and left for Brussels in the middle of October according to the CNN blurb. No idea if their portrayal of his trips is accurate but it is then he's well inside the window for Ebola incubation. Arriving back in the US on the 16th or 17th, he probably should have been quarantined until at least the end of October.