Onside was the way to go. Limited timeouts, so you absolutely need to hold them to a three and out, onside or not. At least with the onside, you're getting a chance at getting the ball back. If you don't recover, you still need to hold them to a three and out, but worst case scenario, you'll still be in the game with a FG. Given our recent defensive success in the last few minutes of the game, I'd be reluctant to just willingly give the ball back to Tom Brady.
It was absolutely the WRONG call. The chances of recovering an onsides kick at that point were about one in ten. Coaching was the difference tonight. Down by 8 with seven minutes left the Jets take their time driving for a score when you know you can't assume the 2point conversion is made. So you have to leave time to get the ball back. Instead, the Jets take 5 minutes to score and call an awful play on the two point conversion. Empty backfield when the Pats couldn't stop the run all night? A quick pass when a sack or pick means nothing and you have a mobile QB? Then needing only a FG to win and with enough time to get the ball back, Rex dials up the onsides kick. That 35 yards of field position cost the Jets the game. Rex and this staff have to go.
Lol GTFO you're gonna whine about us taking five minutes to score a TD, I know in the moment you were thanking the heavens that we actually were just able to get in the endzone.
Onside kick was the right call. We only had 1 timeout and the 2 minute warning. The bigger issue is the wasted timeouts. We always seem to head into the 4th quarter with only 1 timeout.
If we had gotten the 2 point conversion and Brady had drove down for the game winning TD/FG, imagine how we would complain that Rex didn't take enough time off the clock on his last drive? The onside was the only call to make and it was the correct call.
I would have kicked it away BUT had we done that would NE have run 3 straight plays? probably not and they just needed 1 1st down to end it. That call didn't lose us the game.
The onside kick was the correct call. You need to give yourself as many chances to get the ball back at that point. A first down ends the game so to ask the defense to completely stop them, especially with the threat of Brady throwing is hard. It was the right call because it gives you a better chance of getting another possession, and at that point, that is all what mattered.
I agree, throw 4 wide and run Ivory up the gut, you gashed them with the run the whole game...over thinking
If you truly believe in yourself as a top 5 defense, then you have to kick off in this case. Even if you think BB will pass and not run. The difference between winning and losing was between 5 and 10 yards last night.
I thought he was going to call a QB draw or naked bootleg. Geno was running well last night. Of course if that missed MM would have gotten killed. _
The fact that we were in position for a field goal try at all was thanks to a couple calls in our favor on the final drive (clock stoppage on the catch where receiver was going backward, Nelson's catch). That said, had we conserved time outs and kicked off, chances I think would have been improved.
If Rex gets fired its for stupid moves like the onside kick...they had so much time left and they held the Patriots to a bunch of three and outs... this was such a stupid move...
We didn't get any calls on the final drive. There were no penalties. Had we kicked it off deep we would've never seen the ball again.
Only really bad call near the end of the game was the 2 point conversion. Jets were averaging 5 ypc, absolutely demolishing the Pats, either run or go play-action. How do you empty the backfield? I had no issue with the onside attempt (and Folk kicked it really well) no matter what Simms may have been whining about.
If the Jets would have kicked deep, the Patriots would have thrown the ball rather than run the ball into the line three times, they would have gotten a first down and the game would have been over with us never getting the ball back. The onside kick was the right call.