You have a TO. You have the 2 minute warning. Why give up 35 yards of field position for the slim chance of recovering?
It's driving me crazy hearing the postgame parrot that you had to onside kick with 2:30 to go, really? You only needed a FG, you still had two timeouts (inc. the two-minute warning). If you stop them you get it back with just over a minute left in much better field position than we got it in. It's one thing if we needed a TD, then I'd agree you have to onside kick it but you only needed a FG to win it, field position still mattered! Granted it would be nice if once JUST ONCE we could manage to save all our timeouts instead of using them to compensate for stupidity but...
It's on the border territory. A team gets more conservative if they recover the onside kick vs if they are in their own territory because they feel they can pin the other team back. I think the onside kick was the right call against an offense that would be known to throw to end the game. Either call is correct in my opinion but I would have onside kicked there too
I would've kicked it off myself...but it also changes New England's play selection. They're likely to be more aggressive in picking up the first down if they have to punt from their own 20 rather on the Jets side of the field.
I didnt think that was awful. You have Tom Brady. You know they throw it on 3rd down if they are pinned that far, and Rex knows that they probably convert.
It was a tough call. If you kick off deep, NE throws probably throws on third down looking to end the game with a 1st down instead of running the ball to burn the clock. And given our defense's propensity for not being able to get a stop they absolutely need, they probably never get the ball back. I could go either way there.
The onside kick was the correct call. How many times do you need to see this defense blow it trying to close out a game? We have seen them time and time again play very good but unable to do shit on the very last drive so i wouldnt leave it in their hands. Also, Tom Brady is trying for a first down to ice the game on that last drive if we kickoff and not just run 3 straight times. With the failed onside kick, the Pats dont think the Jets are driving 50 yards to score anyway if they punt.
We weren't getting the ball with the onside kick anyway, this team can't fall on a loose ball to save its life at gunpoint.
Hindsight is always 20-20. It was a great onside kick by Folk. Cant do it much better than he did. If we get it back and won no one would post this. It was the right call. You dont just hand Brady the ball back. Give me a break.
I was shaking my head as soon as Cumberland started partying after scoring the touchdown...That dumbass thought we were going to tie the game. I knew we lost the game after he did that because we were not going to convert a 2 point conversion. Like seriously...what the hell is wrong with alot of these players?