Because I have much larger goals that would get destroyed if I smoke and drank. (I used to drink all the time but its not beneficial to me anymore)
No, you didn't say any of that, which is why I asked the question. You're tossing out phrases and I don't think you even know what they mean. Otherwise, why even post that?
If you're going to act like an arrogant asshole you should at least make the effort to understand the context of what you're commenting on. Otherwise you just look like an arrogant asshole who doesn't even know what the fuck he's talking about which is a particularly bad look for most people. It seems to fit you quite well though.
You have to admit that you're playing this thing for the fear factor though. Cappy at least understands the reality of what is going on at this point. That's the disconnect between you two right now. You're being the FEAR and Cappy is trying to keep things sane.
I responded to a post that (basically) said the virus was not currently mutating. That is false but me correcting a false statement has upset both you and cappy. I believe I completely understand the reality of the situation. I have stated more than once that it's unlikely this ever mutates to become airborne but the reality is that it IS possible for that to happen and if the current outbreak in africa isn't contained rather quickly there will be an enormous amount of opportunities for mutation. That's probably another fact that you guys think is scary and upsets you but your feelings on the matter don't change the facts. If you guys don't believe I understand the reality of the situation because I'm willing to discuss facts that seem to upset you then that's fine with me. I think you're wrong but you're obviously going to believe what you want.
@Br4dw4y5ux - these are quotes from a doctor who has been studying this for more than 10 years. Do you think he understands the reality of the situation?
You're adorable. Ignorance often confuses competence with arrogance. I'm not upset nor do I think anything is scary. Here's the thing: it's not just about what is "fact." It's about whether the "facts" are meaningful. This is like the Stand By Me line about who would win in a fight between Superman and Mighty Mouse? And you're the guy saying, "Superman, dumbass! Mighty Mouse is a cartoon!" That is a "fact," but also a ridiculous statement. Arguing over whether or not a specific virus is mutating is somewhat pointless. All viruses mutate. Wherever they are. In whatever host. The flu virus has been "rapidly mutating" since it first appeared. Ebola has been mutating before this outbreak. Will continue to mutate after. (This doesn't even account for whether or not any particular mutation will make it more virulent.) And when you say things like, "the reality is that it IS possible," as though that is supposed to be some profound statement, I have to chuckle. Of course it's possible. No one is saying it's not. And while you pay lip service to the idea that it's unlikely to mutate, everything else you say shows that you either don't understand how to properly assess risk, or that you are being disingenuous. Using your reasoning, although it's unlikely, the reality is that it IS possible that I will win the lottery. But you'd laugh at me if I started making any kind of life decision based on the fact that winning the lottery is possible. Or even gave any sort of thought to it. Despite that being a "fact" that winning the lottery is possible. So, yeah, despite your protestations, you're pretty clearly buying into the fear thing and/or are out of your element. Sorry. And by the way, that researcher is not incorrect... but you have shown you have no knowledge basis to put that in the proper context. Which is fine. Most people don't. It's why people are scared/concerned. Primed to go airborne means it has the protein structure to enter via lungs. Same as it enters through any mucus membrane. This is not new. This is not a "dangerous revelation." This is a researcher grabbing a headline... perhaps taken out of context to generate clicks. Perhaps because he wanted fifteen minutes of fame. But his statement on its own is not particularly alarming in terms of risk.
Each statement is true but has very little relevance in the current situation. The guy's been looking at Ebola for a decade. That's given him a lot of chances to assess scenarios and that's what he's spitting out at you: scenarios. That's what everybody is spitting out at this point for one reason or another: scenarios. Could Ebola become airborne? Of course it could. Viruses do mutate to become airborne occasionally. The odds on that particular mutation occurring are about the same as the odds of winning the Powerball. It could happen. When we SEE airborne transmission occurring we will know that the moonshot has come true and we'll have to adapt to that fact. Obsessing about the possibility beforehand has no value at all. We might as well obsess about whether it can ever mutate to use the cockroach as a carrier and thus make all of our cities uninhabitable moving forward. Both scenarios have about the same level of relevance to what is happening right now. Feel free to pick up the cockroach carrier meme and try to scare people with it. I'm sure there are people out there who would be just thrilled to do that. Anything to bring the FEAR. Sanders is absolutely correct that the longer the current outbreak continues unchecked by effective public health services the more likely it is to mutate and become more dangerous. The chances go from extremely low to less extremely low in that circumstance. He's not telling us anything we don't already know. If we let Ebola kill millions of human beings it dramatically increases the chances that it will mutate into a form that can kill many millions more. That's not what we're seeing right now. What we're seeing right now is the first major urban Ebola outbreak overwhelming the limited resources of the African countries involved and thus leading to many more cases than should be occurring. If we continue to allow Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea to be overwhelmed by the crisis we will create a much great probability of the virus eventually turning into something we can't manage. So, should President Obama and the GOP team up to pass an effective piece of legislation to help Africa deal with Ebola? What do you think?
I can tell you that my intention is not to spread fear. It seems you believe it is. I'm discussing the topic and the articles popping up about it. I'm pretty much over that part of this conversation though. I do think congress and osama should spend money and resources on stopping this in africa as well as help coordinate a more global effort. It sounds like they're working on that based on his recent words on it.
And now you fools have your Ebola Czar... Two cases! The media and politicians driving up fear... That Texas Hospital is so screwed from the lawsuits plus no new patients will want to go there for their ER or elective surgery services...
Don't you think it's good we're being over cautious now? It seems carelessness is what almost got us in trouble.
We are in our situation because two reasons: 1. Some fool lied 2. This Texas Hospital is run by morons Some nurse was whistle blowing to NBC News about how bad the Texas Hospital was run when that Duncan guy was in there...
I don't blame the Texas hospital. I think the failures there were a result of a bigger issue. Hospitals throughout the country were uneducated and unprepared for this shit even though the CDC claimed otherwise. They still are but are now getting better. I think the CDC has been very careless and unprepared all the while stating otherwise. I also think the director of the CDC is either a puppet or an asshole, possibly both.