It's a political football now. That's going to drive every decision that's being made. We have forgotten that politics is different than policy and we'll pay a price for that at some point.
The protocol is supposed to be 21 day monitoring/ Quarantine after anyone treats/contacts an Ebola patient. These asswipes are fuking up protocol!!
It's all bullshit and investors are feeling the brunt of it. You have a better chance of winning the lottery than being attacked by ISIS or infected with Ebola. I was in Europe a week ago, business as usual, these markets and fear mongering media are lies. Hahahahahaha
I don't think I understand what you're saying. Are you saying there aren't really 2 people who have contracted ebola on US soil? Is it a lie that the CDC is interviewing every passenger that shared a plane with patient #2? What? I don't think anyone is saying or suggesting we're all going to get ebola and die. This is a developing situation that hopefully gets nipped in the bud.
Yea, it's bullshit. Two isolated cases. When the rest of the entire flight and crew come up clean maybe the hysteria will finally subside.Is one of the previously sickened doctors not cured already? They make it seem like it's the 18th century.
This is a very deadly virus so I don't consider it to be bullshit so long as it's living on American soil. The historical death rate is 50% but unfortunately that has skyrocketed to 70% in Africa this year. They're anticipating 10,000 new ebola cases per week in Africa by December if a huge shift isolating the outbreak doesn't occur quickly. Statistically speaking we are guaranteed to see more ebola patients landing on American soil if that holds true. December is prime flu season btw so that presents issues with identifying symptoms and isolating potential cases. Additionally, the longer the outbreak continues in Africa the more likely it is that it mutates to an airborne transmittable virus. While that is UNLIKELY, it is something that can happen and every new case gives the virus another chance to mutate. It seems to me our hospitals need to be better prepared both with supplies and education before we can really say it's not a problem here. How many cancer patients need to be cured before you consider it to be bullshit?
"It seems to me our hospitals need to be better prepared both with supplies and education before we can really say it's not a problem here." Good luck with that...That costs money and our for profit hospitals aren't going to waste money being proactive...They are always reactive... Texas Public Health needs to quarantine all of the nurses and people that treated that moron... I can't believe they let this lady fly...
This is wrong. The historical death rate has varied depending on which strain of Ebola was in play but it has been between low 50's and low 90's. The Sudan variant has tended to be in the mid 50's. The Ebola variant (the one that occurs around the Ebola river in the Congo and what was formerly Zaire) has had much higher fatality rates and it's the one we think of when we think Ebola. The outbreak so far is the Ebola variant and it has had a fatality rate of 52.9% in 8,987 cases. This suggests that something has occurred that has made this variant less fatal than normal. It is possible that we're looking at an offshoot of the Ebolavirus family that we haven't seen yet. It is possible that it has mutated to be less harmful to its hosts. This would explain the length and severity of the outbreak. There has been no increase in the fatality rate in this outbreak. In fact it is hovering at the low end of historical norms.
The WHO disagrees. edit: and another link
Based on what we've been told it shouldn't matter but it's been confirmed that that plane also made the following flights before decontamination. Dallas to Cleveland Cleveland to Ft. Lauderdale Ft. Lauderdale to Cleveland Cleveland to Atlanta Atlanta to Cleveland I wonder how far the CDC interviews will continue beyond this initial flight if at all.
body language is everything and the recent press conference from the head of the CDC was basically saying "OOPS!"
Sucks when that Texas hospital is full of morons. They are putting this 2nd nurse in Atlanta to fix her...Put her in competent hands cause that Texas hospital and Texas Public Health is useless.
I'm not going to be ignorant enough to act like it can never reach me, the protocol was sloppy at best at that Texas Hospital and I'm being generous but it really is not contagious enough at the time to become an epidemic and I think most of the intelligent people know this. Now to completely act like the Ebola virus can not mutate into different strains that CAN be contagious in different ways is ignorance plain and simple, its not impossible especially if we keep giving it chances by being Darwin award winners in patient care.