I saw her dog is quarantine and people are worried that it would be put down like that Spanish's nurse's dog... Can it even spread from humans to animals?
Its natural reservoir is fruit bats and it affects primates as well, but that doesn't mean much other than it is possible for other species to get it. I have no idea about dogs, specifically.
It's not clear how long Ebola sticks around in its hosts at this point. There are cases where it was still present in semen months after a patient had recovered from EVD. I'm guessing they are proactively putting the dogs down because they don't know how EVD will progress in them, whether the chance it will mutate increases in a new species and how long the animal would remain infectious and in what form after the disease passed even if it survived.
They must not be following the proper procedures... That doctor had full case of it and no one in Atlanta got it. Many people were handling him in the flight over here, ambulance, and at the hospital itself.
Good question...soxxx? It can't happen here, it can't happen here I'm telling you my dear that it can't happen here. Because I've been checking it out, I checked it out a couple of times…. …oh darling, it's important that you believe me….
if you listen to the head of the nurses union it sounds like the protocols were very poorly communicated, constantly changing and they didn't even have access to the proper gear and equipment. in other words the hospital wasn't nearly as prepared as it should have been.
I was just listening to a radio station where they said that when one of the patients had diarrhea and vomiting, two actions that make the disease highly contagious, the nurses and doctors were wearing w.e they had to cover themselves. There was no proper equipment supplied for them at the time, so they had to work with what they had. Scary stuff
It sounds more fucking stupid than scary to me. If we know how to prevent the spread of this why aren't hospitals prepared? I mean I know it's all because of GOP cuts but really.
http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-...Leave-Health-Care-Workers-Vulnerable-to-Ebola The CDC page that explicitly told health care workers they didn't need full body protection despite it being standard issue in Africa is now down. Seems like even the profit motive has moments when it puts its tail between its legs and slinks away.
Privatize the profits...Socialize the losses... Auto companies did it...Banks did it...Wars do it...Now it's EBOLA's turn Hooray. The only way to protect the rest of us from various people and hospital's stupidity AND the useless media blowing this out of proportion is to ban people from West Africa...Besides cocoa beans, what else comes from that region of the world?
So the CDC makes a public statement basically blaming the health care workers and hospital for not following protocol when it seems there protocol is not up to par. Assholes. If that poor nurse survives she should sue them.
Looks like this second nurse was on an airplane the day before from Cleveland... Now all 132 of those passengers are gonna get interviewed...