I'm shocked we can't get lucky and draft a franchise QB here. It's almost like the organization doesn't care about the QB position.
Who's to say we haven't? This team hasn't had a clue about developing a QB in a long time. Peyton Manning would probably be retired by now if the Jets had drafted him, due to injuries and lack of production.
You've been disqualified from the job search for a Jets time coordinator. If it's 7:40 and he took an hour and twenty minutes to get there, he'd be there at nine o'clock, not eight. That math works in any time zone.
I have no doubt Pennington would have been a Franchise QB if his throwing shoulder didn't get shredded.
Have to agree. I love Rex and wanted him to stay here and win a championship. I thought he had earned that right until this season. I understand the lack of talent fielded by the GM, but alot of the issues seem to be on the head coach. Particularly the Green Bay game. A well coached team doesn't lose that game with such a lead. Also, I believe Davis when he says the Jets don't practice the way they should.
The worst part is that he did it to himself, it wasn't some crushing blow from a pass rusher, he scrambled in his uncoordinated way and dove head first, and landed on his elbow, and tore his own shoulder cuff. Similar to when Vinny tore his own achilles stumbling for a fumble. This team is perpetually doomed.
My bad. Let's say It's 7:40 pacific time and he's supposed to be there at 8. He looks at his watch which is on eastern time, so it reads 4:40. He forgets it's 3 hours difference, an thinks it's 2. As a result, he thinks that means it's 6:40 pacific time. Maybe 10 minutes later he says hey that doesn't sound right so he checks his phone, which reads 7:50 Pacific. He says oh shit, and it takes him 20 minutes to make it. Feel better now? Maybe he was being an irresponsible douche. But maybe it was an honest mistake. I'm just saying either one is possible.
So a college educated individual, who traveled around the country QB-ing a big time West Virginia team, forgets how to tell time? Man that's a hell of a stretch.
I'm not assuming he is in the right here. I had heard that he's never been to the west coast, could be wrong though. I'm just saying I don't know if the negativity and hate is warranted.
I went to the west coast for the first time this summer actually. I didn't think to change my watch within the first day. When you're a day into a cross country trip it is possible to get jet lagged. No pun intended.
Wow I'm really not on my game. If it was 7:40 pacific time his watch would read 10:40. So, anyway fuck it all.