in Regards to the Gone Girl ending vs the Movie
Yup--it's basically the same ending. I was fooled by the red herrings that it was different, but when the credits started rollng, I felt a little let down. They could have gone in a completely different direction, but stayed true to the novel. Still a very good effort. _
Saw it on DVD last year. My GF is a big Rutger Hauer fan but man has he aged. Over-the-top shoot em up, entertaining, but you have to love over-the-top shoot em up movies to like this one. If someone said "that movie was dogshit" I would not argue with them. But I also liked the Sharknado Duology. _
Wasn't really looking forward to Lucy, but damn it was very awesome..even if the 10 percent thing is a myth.
I enjoyed Hobo With A Shotgun. Very violent and sick but entertaining, especially the school bus part. I can't stand anything that has Sharknado in its name
It's not a waste if you like stupid over-the-top violence. Do you like any movie with Jason Statham? Yes? Then you'll like it. _
I liked Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels and also liked Snatch and Revolver. Does this mean I will like this movie?
No, I was talking more about his leading man roles. Loved LSTSB, Snatch and Revolver but they weren't his vehicles. In retrospect, I think my use of the qualifier "any" may have confused some folks. Read literally, I get what you are saying. I think I need to be shamed. _
Not as good as Lock Stock or Snatch but I'm a Guy Ritchie and Luc Besson fan so I may be a bit biased. _
It actually wasn't terrible, but not close to as good as the first two. Leagues better than anything else he has done.