From what I gather the meeting was at 5:00 PM PST, which is 8:00 PM EST. He thought by the team keeping everything at east coast time that meant the meeting would be at 8:00 PM PST and that he could squeeze a movie in. Honest mistake if you are like 12 years old.
I just think it's one of those little white lies that no one is going to run down. It's not like he was getting blowjobs in the Oval Office. _
Yeah...guess so. His first trip to the west coast ever in his life. Seriously, I don't get this part about "the team keeping everything east coast time". I get the meaning...I just don't get why its even said....meeting is at 8pm. Period. Meeting is at 5pm..period. I guess this is a major problem for every team that goes to the west coast. Have heard o many guys getting confused by this...hmm. Was not at the movies. Did anyone try to text or call him he was late?
Having lived on both coasts, from what i read is Rex advised them to stick to EST time zones. When Geno and company got to the west coast, of course all their cell phones automatically turned back to west coast time. Since Geno didnt most likely pay attention or was too dumb to realize the difference, he showed up to the meeting at the correct time on PST time but since Rex advised to keep our meeting times for EST time, he was 3 hours late. The sad thing as well is i heard he was still 10 minutes late regardless. Being even 10 minutes late is a big thing anyway on the night before the big game. unless there was some kind of emergency. Rex has no accountability with his players and its sad how players walk all over him like this. Rex needed to make a statement and he failed big time.
New York Daily News is going to have a blast this season. Mehta already got things started at half-time of the Chargers game.
Apparently he got a call or a text in the movies from someone that he was not at the meeting. Then he said he LEFT the movies to call that person back because he didn't have cell service IN the theatre---which begs the question--how did he get the call or text alerting him to his absence in the first place? He was not at a movie. Btw, the East Coast/West Coast thing is a sham--if you have a meeting that is 3 hours different than it's supposed to be, the team will make everyone know--"Meeting is at 8:00 EST which is 5:00 West Coast time--mark your calendars". _ trying to grasp this whole need for a coach to say yes..we are on the west coast but we are keeping east coast times 94. This is just to tell players that yes..we usually have meetings at 8pm on the east coast but we are meeting east coast times which means we are meeting at 5pm west coast. What I don't get..and I think they are just throwing this out there to show how maybe some fool could get it why even tell the players that. The schedule sheet didn't state meeting at 8pm EST and then the players had to get their calculators out right? So it said 5pm. Geno then took that 5pm and added on the 3 hours himself right? I mean...they cant be serious with this can they? Im clearly explaining this wrong...Im not getting this at all how anyone could make a mistake.
Reports are that he realized it 15 minutes into the movie and rushed back but by the time he got there the meeting was over. I'm actually more upset that in the midst of a 3 game loosing streak, where he has not been playing well and fans calling for his back up, he's trying to squeeze in a movie before a team meeting. I want a QB that treats going to San Diego as a business trip not a weekend getaway. Michael Kay asked Steve Young about it yesterday and all he could say was that "it just doesn't happen". He couldn't even fathom the concept enough to provide a comment.
Bingo...and if he really was not at a movie..and some loser writer will find this out? He has a real problem on his hands.
Bill Walsh would have never allowed that type of atmosphere. That's why Young doesn't fathom the idea.
I was listening to the same thing..and didn't they play was it Gannon? Some ex qb was saying..why wasn't he there a half hour early meeting with receivers with all the problems he has had...this qb said qbs meet all the time before and after these meetings.
The "urban thuggs" I know understand the time difference between the east and the west coast. It's a prerequisite in the drug trade.
I really don't give a shit about this, and don't see a correlation between a missed meeting and his shitty play on the field. The kid has been hailed as a film rat and a studious guy for two years, and now everyone is losing their minds over a missed meeting. It's asinine NY media driven drama. Was there some secret scheme or play in the meeting that would've made the difference in the game? Come on.
For once I wished Woody go into a locker room and tell all the coaches right in front of everyone on live tv.
The real issue here is how Ryan coddles Smith. After Smith cursing a fan, playing without composure in the Lions game, then missing a team meeting, following that with a 7.6 Qb rating, playing worse than last year, he knows before the question is asked in the post game presser that Smith will start again next week? WTF? If that is not coddling, I dont know what is.
There's also been conflicting stories that many thought were false saying that he's not a student of the game, not punctual, sets a bad example…etc. When you hear a story like this movie-gate, it makes you wonder which of those stories about Geno are true. All I know is that I doubt you'll catch other QBs hailed as film rats and students of the game (a la Brady and Manning) at the movies missing pre-game meetings. Like Steve Young said "it just doesn't happen".
Love Rex but there is no way anyone can disagree with this. Its good that Rex is supportive and believes in his guys. But like he was with Sanchez, he is the same way with Geno. How he could just say Geno is his guy after that type of performance is mind boggling.