I was wrong, Ebola pretty much is a joke just like Isis. If ppl haven't noticed, America is still kicking ass on a daily basis.
To make matters worse this fucking asshole lied about certain things when filling out his medical clearance so he wouldn't be denied entry into the US. He can't go back to Liberia because he is now considered a criminal and is going to be prosecuted. When I transited through Seoul a few weeks ago everyone has to go through a temperature reader and anyone who shows signs of being ill is quarantined. Surprised we don't do this in the US. Most places in Asia I have been they do this, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Macau, HK. I guess after SARS they don't fuck around.
we're a country that is so self-consumed with ourselves that we believe our rights as individuals supersede the good of society. try that here and you have ACLU suing for medical privacy rights and whatever other emotional bullshit the growing "me first" population that has come to dominate our country will fall for.
The 2 Liberians were cleared... Wait a minute, are these Liberians going to start flying here for free care? Ban time!
It seems to me like this guy in Texas had an idea he had it when he boarded the flight to go to Dallas. He went to the doctor when he got there. He lied on his clearance to leave Liberia. They know their survival rate is better than that of one who stays there.
When I step in it, absolutely.... obviously I'm kidding but JB does have a point. I'm not sure I agree with it 100% but I can see it.
We definitely need to be screening all flights coming in from West Africa at this point. It's human nature to try to get your best chance to survive an illness like Ebola and that's in the US not Liberia.
What good of society are you attempting to apply to me that I would be advocating with that punishment that is greater than the value of individuals rights? Or perhaps you were just trying to make the most asinine, specious argument you could think of.
Honestly I can't believe the EU is allowing any flight from Liberia, Guinea or Sierra Leone onto the continent right now. Sadly due to air travel the world is a small place. I know..... I'm typing this from a hotel in Siem Reap.
The problem with ebola is the incubation period is up to 21 days so this gives someone plenty of time for bus or train travel to get to an airport out of those countries. The borders of Liberia and Guinea aren't very tight either so someone could easily get into Mali or Senegal and then move on from there.
The "Me First" society is all about individual rights and it extends in every direction in that regard. It extends to all the social strata and to all walks of life. If you want to see a society in which "Me First" only matters for .5% of the population go look at China and Korea and Singapore and all the countries you believe get it in that regard. Everybody else lives with a heel ready to come down on their neck at any moment. And BTW if you're not ready to give up your guns for the good of society then you are a Me Firster also.
no, me first isn't about individual rights, it is about perceived entitlement equating to individual rights superseding any need to protect all of society. your arguments are as asinine as saying that unless you are willing to allow 5 year olds to drive a car, because the individual rights of 5 year olds extend in all directions and supersedes protecting society from 5 year olds likely unable to drive safely, your entire nonsensical post and your analogy to gun rights not only have no merit but you don't even believe the nonsense. you've taken the position that "me first" equates to justified self-absorption that should be supported by laws that do not create any restrictions that serve to benefit society if they curb individual's freedoms. if you follow that to its fullest extent there is really no need for government because there should be no legal restrictions whatsoever.
Yup...my guess is this asshole won't be the last guy to come here with Ebola. I just hope our CDC is prepared to deal with it.