"Depopulation approach favored by Austin University Professor Dr. Erik Pianka. Clip from Alex Jones's Endgame movie." Of course.
Looks like it just moved a little closer, first diagnosed case ever in the U.S. The man was released from the ER room after showing initial symptoms before going back when it got worse and being diagnosed with the Ebola virus. Now its about finding out who might have came into contact with him in the time between the initial visit and the second visit/diagnosis.
The new case in Dallas caught the virus in Liberia, from where he returned 3 days ago. It's not a US case of Ebola. It's a Liberian case that got on a plane. This will happen now and then.
Sometimes I confuse deathtard and TNjet, mainly because they are both likely candidates for a Darwin award.
Who's more likely to do something stupid? One who believes in conspiracy theories or One who believes in reality?
And anyone he may have infected in Dallas would be a... I don't think at this point it is a huge issue, but with the freedom of movement we enjoy, this could well spread into areas of the country that are not so able to recognize or deal with an outbreak. Beyond that, cold and flu season is upon us, which share many of the early stage symptoms as ebola.
I saw something online (likely just a joke) that said that one of the ebola patients in Africa died and then came back to life. I KNEW we would be wiped out by a zombie epidemic eventually!