the John Idzik Thread. (All GM Discussion in Here)

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Run_N_gun10, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    Even worse IMO is we coulda taken Tom savage instead of Jalen or Shaq. Hmm let me see ... Prospective franchise QB orrrr practice squad WR.... Decisions decisions...

    Even worse is that our future ILB is now a member of the Jacksonville Jaguars roster because we needed to make space for a scrub WR that we cut two days later.
    Big Blocker and tomdeb like this.
  2. Faux machine

    Faux machine Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Probably #3. Lots of WR FA coming up.
  3. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    I def whiffed on Benjamin.

    As I watch this year I can only say that Winston is a bad thrower and I think he made KB look worse than he is
  4. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    We're a black hole for offensive players. We need big WR that can thrive despite a shitty delivery system getting them the ball. Cooks would be doing nothing on the Jets. He's a great fit in NO tho. KB or JM would still be productive here though.
  5. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    I was waiting for him to man up and say that on his own. Idzik has been known to not spend large amounts of cash via FA therefore he is cheap when it comes to draft picks and offers dog shit.

    Yup got it.
    FJF likes this.
  6. nyjetsmets89

    nyjetsmets89 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2010
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    Many of us didn't believe in Benjamin, in his concentration, in his potential to make it in the NFL.We were all wrong. The kid is a stud and Cam isn't even close to being back to form. He's a man amongst boys, his size alone is just dominating and he seems to have great body control as he hauled in that TD from friggin Derek Anderson. A trade up for Benjamin into the late first round to lose our 2 and 3 and prob 4th round picks would have made this board go nuts. But the difference would have been seen on the field. We have no downfield threat whatsoever. none. I've yet to see Geno throw a deep pass like the one he threew to Holmes last year or some others that were destined for Hill. Every team knows we're all about the short game, so they can stack the box now and either stop the run, or stop the short routes.
  7. Turbocharged23

    Turbocharged23 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2014
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    I was wrong on Benjamin. This list is incomplete though... I think Ellington (49ers), John brown(Arizona cardinals), Allen hurns are in the discussion too.

    We haven't been good at scouting offensive skill positions for a long time and unfortunately this year is shaping up to be no different. If we want to build through the draft, we better improve our hit rate. Wait till we have only 7 picks haha
  8. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    Davante Adams about to become the next James jones in GB. It'll look even worse in a few years when guys like Paul Richardson and Cody Latimer are getting playing time.
  9. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Well, I agree that you shouldn't shit on Milliner because he never plays so how can he fuck up?
  10. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Im done with Idzik, I want him out. (and it has nothing to do with the cap situation, I understand the whole though process behind that, it will benefit us long term and he will have to spend it eventually.)
  11. MexicanJet

    MexicanJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2010
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    And you're shocked?
  12. LeonNYJ

    LeonNYJ Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    74 and Royal Tee like this.
  13. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    My whole thing is this, first off he took the job KNOWING he had to keep a head coach? So right off the bat this guy is taking a job that he doesnt even have full control over. Then to add to that, he extends Rex and proceeds to give him an extra year. You guys can hate on Mike Francesa but he has been right about the Jets situation dating back to 2011, and he said something I found interesting yesterday. "Idzik is playing his cards", so essentially Idzik is buying time, when Idzik fires Rex at the end of the year, it will give Idzik another three years because he can then claim he is bringing in his own regime. Idzik is a toolbag for taking the job under the circumstances of not being allowed to choose his own staff AND basically planning longterm (next year rather than this season).

    The whole thing right now is setup perfectly for Idzik, he will get to fire Rex, buy himself more time, have more money to spend because it rolls over, and bring in his own staff....

    This guy isnt acting like any winning GM does, he has his own agenda it seems, and currently its to make sure Rex fails this year. I want this guy out right now because he's going to get another 3 years, and he has absolutely no clue what he is doing, (fuck you Woody Johnson).....

    (and I havent even brought up the fact that he is not allowing Rex to choose his own QB, that is a whole another issue in itself which IMO is an one winning team in which the coach doesnt have control over who he can play!?!?)
    Royal Tee likes this.
  14. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Ive come to realize that both players and writers browse these internet forums. I recall last year, ESPN nearly word for word copied an article from a forum that was written by a user just like us. The ESPN writer got attacked and I believe he admitted that he did steal the material and basically reworded some of the stuff....

    Here is the actual story:

    He took stuff from spurstalk forum (which I actually have been going to for years and I knew the member he plagiarized from).
    Royal Tee likes this.
  15. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    So essentially any general manager that took the job would've been a toolbag because they would've had to keep Rex despite their own aspirations as general manager of the team.

    He's playing into his own agenda in the sense that he is following his plan. Championship teams take years to rebuild if a franchise does not have their franchise quarterback in place. They are the glue to perennial playoff teams which is why you have seen the Patriots plug and play people around Brady for years. It's worked because he can work around it. Same thing in why the Colts were terribly built teams with two receivers and two pass rushers and that's really it around Peyton Manning. They drafted horribly for years yet Polian looked like a good general manager for years because he's had a top quarterback.

    Idzik's plan is set to develop players leading up to championship contenders. You use all the cap, go all in this year and the quarterback flops and your left in cap hell with an aging roster circa 2012 & 2013 like this team was. There's little doubt that if this team had Peyton Manning we probably wouldn't have missed the playoffs the past two years. He's building a winner for the longterm, not for a year yet it all really comes down to finding that golden franchise guy.
  16. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I'll go one further on the beat writer thing. I think it's not only plausible but likely that those turds have accounts on this forum and create troll threads to see what topics get the most angry reactions, testing out the fans on what ideas will get their articles the most hits
  17. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    100% true that someone had to walk into this situation but any decent GM with integrity would not have accepted these conditions. Idzik took the job because he was not getting a job elsewhere, its a screwed up situation completely.

    This whole thing about the cap works both ways, yes they will be loaded in the future but the NFL is a win now league and this team has oppurtunity to get to the playoffs had they went after a cornerback/other moves. (And I originally defended Idzik over the CB situation because I believed that John Idzik believed that the corners on our roster were sufficient, but I dont have the insight into the talent evaluations the way Idzik does, he is paying some of the best talent evaluators in the world to feed him the information in order for him to make his decisions on whether to upgrade the talent or not).

    Idzik not allowing Rex to make the switch at QB is indefensible.

    All these signs are pointing toward a GM that will fail. Name a successful gm that could not pick his own head coach? Name a successful GM that does not allow his coach to make a QB change? cannot find any

    These are all early signs that should have every one of us all concerned, if Idzik fails then we are looking at another 3 years of struggles and losses.
  18. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    If Rex really can't make that decision then I am thrilled he went public with it. Now let's see what that sniveling little bitch Johnson is going to do about it, no doubt one of them has to go.
  19. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    You bring up a good point there, these one-post-posters might be beat writers.

    I do think the players read these forums to, heck I knew Dwight Lowry was reading/posting on a forum I go to.
  20. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    You fail to realize that the NFL is an ever changing league. To think that because something hasn't been done a certain way means that it can't work is ridiculous.

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