Still don't know how Cohle didn't die. MF got shanked with a huge blade in the stomach and got lifted up off the ground. Surely thought he was a goner. And how about that tomahawk throw by spaghetti monster into Hart's chest?! That was pretty badass.
I think the yellow king must be that bone thing where they were in the end inside carcosa...Erroll was not the Yellow King I think, not 100% sure but that thing must be the yellow king. Rust was in Alaska from 2002 to 2010 doing nothing, then showed up in 2010 after another case like the Dora Layne one happened and he had been obsessed since.
I also do not think TYK is Errol. Maybe you are right, maybe it is nothing, or maybe it is something greater. Because Errol is well connected and the murders go way deeper than just him. Alaska? Wow i completely missed that. Also what about Audrey's story? Does anyone here think something is up? I think its way too coincidental she draws pictures of a monster with a big erection and then places her dolls in a gang bang type of arrangement. Maybe she was abused as a child? Maybe by her dad? So much is untold. I am not sure if they are going to continue in line with the first season, or if it is all open for self interpretation.
Also I am hearing Brad Pitt is being pursued for a role in Season 2...Thought id share. Kind of hard to beat the season 1 combo though.
Jessica Chastain offered the lead role in season 2 PLEASE TAKE THAT ROLE JESSICA. She's been on my mind for this series for the longest time, and I have a personal thing for her. She is hot. I like to see her on this show and damn did I say she is fine?
I know I'm way behind but I just finished the series. I have to say there was a lot of hype going into it so that kind of set me in a certain mindset. Overall I thought the acting and cinematography was great, dialogue was amazing especially 90% of what Rust says. Aside from that though I was a little underwhelmed by the story. It started off so bizarre and seemed like it was so intricate with all these twists and turns (like making you think Rust committed the recent murder) and at the end the only thing that happens is they cap some inbred whack job. Didn't even bring down the governor or any of the other people involved in this messed up little cult that apparently is in to sacrificing children. I was hoping the yellow king would be the governor or at least someone of interest and not a pile of bones. Plus I don't buy that Rust survives that stab wound it was just way too deep and they were in the middle of nowhere: how long did it take them to even find Rust and Marty let alone get him in an ambulance/helicopter and get him to a hospital and into surgery? So overall I feel like it was worth my time and I'll probably check out season two but I think people are getting caught up in the fact that it's HBO and fangirling a bit over that fact.
It got such hype because it created that "water cooler discussion." It seemed like everyone was into the show, everyone had some theory of what was going to happen, and everyone could not wait until the next episode. The great acting also helped people to feel like the characters were their friends so for what 8 weeks people were getting together, discussing theories, reading insane theories, and speculating on what would happen. And then that ending of the 4th episode I thought, oh mannnn. The weekly hype definitely helped it reach great heights.
I think it was the acting more that anything else. McChounneheeyhey was just outstanding and the repartee between he and Woody Boyd was exceptional. Kind of agree, the storyline was not as epic as some have suggested--still very good. But that episode with the bikers was fantastic. _
I'm about 3/4s through Fargo, great show from top to bottom, excellent cast, acting and writing, and it maintains that surrealistic undertone that set the movie apart. Never thought I would get back into TV shows, but there's so much good stuff to choose from. Vikings and The Americans are also a couple of really good ones.
Collin Farrell confirmed for season 2 I think this could be a great move for his career.