Geno has NOT had 2 good games and 1 bad

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jco2007, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. jco2007

    jco2007 Active Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I keep reading this. It is simply not true. He has had 2 borderline bad games and 1 terrible game.

    He played good in the Oakland game? Nah, not really. He threw a pick, lost a fumble, took a sack 20 yards back that knocked us out of FG range etc.

    He played good in Green Bay? Yeah, the first couple drives. Another pick there, bunch of dumb decisions. 50% completion. We scored 3 points the entire 2nd half people. The timeout TD? Yeah, that was more Kerley than Geno.

    Against the bears? I don't think there's any argument here so I won't even get into it. My lunch break isn't long enough anyway.

    Our defense is what has kept us in all these games.
    inri2000 likes this.
  2. Big Cat

    Big Cat Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    Your problem is trying to classify a game as "good" or "bad". You act as if there's some finite line that separates the 2 and only 1 outcome is possible. Things aren't black and white, there are infinite shades of gray and all 3 games fall somewhere on that scale.

    In my opinion, if you want to try to make the ludicrous distinction between "good" and "bad", I'd agree that he's had 1 "good" game and 2 "bad" ones because the Jets are 1-2. In 1 game, he's done enough to win, and in 2 he has not. However, I would feel the same way even if the win was a 6-3 slugfest and the 2 losses were 45-41 in which he put up a "good" performance. It's all about making the number in the left hand column bigger.
  3. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    Geno has had 3 pretty poor performances. I can see improvements, but those become pretty meaningless if he still cant keep from turning the ball over. especially at home. So far he has really just been a more accurate version of mark sanchez. he'll make plays, then undo all the good with avoidable turnovers. These are strip sacks from behind, they are fumbles on the run or picks on plays where he has options to throw it away. forcing the issues.

    It makes me wonder how much is on the coaching. We simply arent putting enough emphasis on ball security and ball protection. and we dont have a big play offense to justify reckless throws.

    I dont see many saying he played 2 "good games" and i think for those who do, they are going with mark sanchez avg performance as the bench mark
  4. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    He's still playing like a rookie. He's basically the same player as last year.

    That's stupid. We're judging QB performance. A QB that leads his team to 41 points obviously played a better game than one that only lead his team to 6.
  5. TheSHRIKE81

    TheSHRIKE81 Member

    Sep 15, 2007
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    I think there's a lot of positives to be taken away from the three games so far. With mediocre-at-best WR talent he's been relatively successful moving the ball down the field. He's made some bad decisions, definitely, but I really like the way he throws the ball downfield. I think there's potential. I think you wipe out one or two mistakes in each game and we could very possibly be sitting at 3-0 and everyone's praising our savior, Geno. The loss(es) were/are painful but I think the team is better than it's record and I personally feel better about Geno than I ever really did about Sanchez.
    dawinner127 and b.reyes16 like this.
  6. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    i think it is alot more black and white then you make it out to be. when you are turning it over more times then you are scoring or gaining first downs. thats poor play. when you are missing throws for incompletions consistently, thats bad play. when you are taking points off the board fumbling in the redzone, thats bad play.

    when you are throwing more touchdowns then picks, thats good play. when you are making first down throws consistently, thats good play. when you are converting on 3rd down, thats good play.

    We arent debating abortion or religion here. there isnt a ton of grey area. scoring/firstdowns/yards = good. turnovers/missing throws/not converting 3rd downs = bad

    its a team sport with a 53 man roster. wins and losses shouldnt be used to judge 1 player. mark sanchez won alot of games, he was terrible
    Big Blocker and 74 like this.
  7. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    How great would it be it Vick comes in, lights it up and turns this entire season around. Lol

    All these Geno fan boys would be in an uproar.

    I like Geno a lot, but enough is enough. I can't stand watching him throw these games away.
  8. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    you say "take away one or two mistakes each game" like thats something minor. one or two mistakes is like the difference between jake locker and tom brady. especially the kind of mistakes geno has been making
  9. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    What would be great about that? we would still have no long term awnser at QB, and our 9 win season and maybe first round playoff exit would do little to help us evaluate what we have going forward. it would be a completely wasted season.

    you play geno, if he is terrible then you have 2 positives:

    1) you know you need to address a QB
    2) you lose enough that you have a high pick to address QB
    Jonathan_Vilma likes this.
  10. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I think he's been average. You clearly see the improvement but he's a work in progress. He's able to move the ball and make plays. His biggest issue is decision making which I think is fixable.
  11. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    A playoff trip is a completely wasted season to you? So unless you go to the Super Bowl, and win, every season is a waste? Damn, I would hate to be in your head. Yeah, that's the ultimate goal, but I wouldn't call them wasted seasons lol

    Vick would be the answer until we draft another guy at QB and try again.
  12. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    I dont know. i mean, its not impossible, but there arent alot of recent examples of guys who were turnovers machines and turned that around. we waited 4 year for sanchez.

    im not completely down on geno cause i see improvements, but im not optomistic about him drastically getting better
  13. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    People don't realize that Vick will turn the ball over just as much, maybe a little bit less. He's been a turnover machine the past few seasons too.

    Hopefully he can get us more scores to off-set the TOs tho
  14. TheSHRIKE81

    TheSHRIKE81 Member

    Sep 15, 2007
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    There's a lot to be worked on, he's raw still but we had opportunities to win both games, it's not like the games were out of hand from the beginning or that at any point you thought "we can't win this". Regardless, it's just my opinion.

    I've been a Jets fan for a long time, it's probably Same Ol' Jets, but I don't want to say it just yet.
  15. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    See but I can live with turnovers if we score tds. Granted, turnovers are drive killers, but with Geno, there's no response. He goes all the way down to the red zone to either turn it over again or result in a field goal.

    If you're gonna turn the ball over, you gotta score points. And field goals won't help
  16. TheSHRIKE81

    TheSHRIKE81 Member

    Sep 15, 2007
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    I think he's got insanely better mechanics than Sanchez. He also steps up into the pocket, he throws the ball with force and (mostly) accuracy, and he's got a really good ability to scramble and get out of trouble so far. I could see him getting better.

    Vick is definitely not the answer.
  17. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    when you have to use sanchez as your measuring stick you're not starting in a good spot.
    jerseyjay14 likes this.
  18. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    You are putting words in my mouth. i never said you need a superbowl for it not to be a wasted season. In fact, i said a losing season with geno starting would NOT be a wasted season. you need to take our situation into account.

    winning 9 games under vick, and losing in round 1 gets us what exactly? we still dont know where we are as a team at QB, and we push that issue back 1 more year. we are a rebuilding team. we need to evaluate our young guys and figured out what we need going forward. development > winning for a team 1 year into a rebuild. Vick is not a long term solution, nor is he someone good enough to allow us to complete for a title. thus, it is a wasted season starting him, as we gain nothing, and push our issues back a year
  19. Milliner is your Mommy

    Milliner is your Mommy Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    Im really frustrated by his play but your first point is just plain not true. Watch some tape of his horror show games last year. He has definitely improved. Just not as much with mental mistakes as well were hoping.
  20. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    He was a questionable 2nd round pick. He had a whole year of NFL experience and then an entire off season. He hasn't improved in any noticeable way. I've watched him play the same for 19 games. That's enough.

    This organization is fucking retarded for letting Bridgewater, Gorropollo, and Savage pass by. I like Pryor a lot but he's like adding a sail to a ship with a broken rudder. Shit, we coulda had Savage instead of McDougle.
    mgjetman22 likes this.

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