I just don't understand, once they made the rule change that all turnover plays are automatically reviewed, they should have changed the fumble rules to state that all fumbles should be played and finished as if it was a fumble, and then reviewed as should.
Its disgusting that we once again are robbed of a touchdown. We should be winning, Cutler played like garbage and deserves to be punished for it. Maybe the next time Geno throws a pick the refs should blow the play dead so its not a pick 6.....pos. This is gunna come back and hurt us.
Why do officials always mess that up? Let the play stand and then review it since all TDs/turnovers are reviewed, especially under 2 minutes. The Geno back lateral was the wrong call but the officials at least last week ruled it a turnover, reviewed it and fixed it up. I can at least respect that.
As an official, if there ANY doubt about a turnover, you let the play play out and THEN you review it. That's a fucking brutal mistake by the officials and they have had way too much influence in this game. The PI call was atrocious and the fumble for a TD inexcusable. Somebody should make it clear that it's not them that people are coming to see. They need to swallow there whistles and start letting these guys play.
Would be ahead if for a couple of errors and the zebras. Geno gets a C. Offense has to pull this off.
14 points.... BS pass interference call where Jeffery held our guy and they call Defensive Pass interference.....
What? That is never called a Touchdown. That's retarded. They fucked it up, but there have been PLENTY of times they whistle it down when it's wrong. It was a close call. The refs have sucked dick but the Jets didn't help themselves.
And this is the problem. The NFL is too busy dealing with all the morons with their passionate speeches about changing discipline rules for these criminals that they are ignoring the biggest problem in the league. These referees just aren't up to standard. Its ruining the NFL. You see it every week. At least one terrible call that costs a team crucial points. Let the fucking legal system deal with these criminals. Fix the problem on the field with these zebras.
Marshall coming back may very well determine this game. When he was out the Bears had a lot more trouble passing the ball. I hope Sheldon is pissed from that missed sack and comes out on fire
Wow, terrible officiating... The PI call was such BS... The lost fumble... The BS call on Richardson when he just ran into Cutler due to momentum, and then, they don't call the OBVIOUS hold on him when he was going to sack Cutler... It was so bad, Richardson turned to the official and yelled at him while chasing down the Bears receiver, haha. I think Richardson was also held on the fumble, kinda looked like it from the fumble angle.
I'm mad that they got the call wrong to begin with. Thats 7 points that they cost us. Doesn't matter if its a close call. They are paid to get close calls correct. And it didn't even look that close. On first look, I was screaming fumble and I thought it was entirely clear.
refs hard at work screwing the jets first the bogus DPI then stealing a TD for no reason FYI appears Marshall will return in the second half