So you think it would "stop the bullshit". Because I feel like it would unite every single muslim against us, including the ones already here
No, he is a Scandinavian Indian, not sure what their greeting would be. I think he also said gay but can't find that post right now
His whole schtick is unoriginal stuff he lifted from You should ignore him because you are giving him the attention he needs
I'm not going to explain it since it is self explanatory and really don't care if you put it as your sig. My posts make sense, yours are a jumble of words which sometimes make a complete sentence. If you want to go discuss that subject in the other thread it is still open but this thread is going far enough off track so I will refrain from posting further on this subject.
Done. I'm taking my own advice. No sense talking to somebody who just wants to get a rise out of people and then cry when people call him a moron
You sell yourself WAY too short, Br4d. The way you can stitch together a modern day "Blame America First" argument (which, by the way, you do so well even without any sort of fancy-shmancy, historical bells and whistles) and then tie it back into Medieval times is just . . . breathtaking.
Hehe. . . again, just fantastic work here. Geezus. So, I guess as the theory goes, it was Rockefeller and his dirty, American robber baron greed that started this whole thirst for oil that makes us so eager send U.S. troops into the region to blast some sense into these backwards folks. Is that about the size of it? I only WISH we sucked every drop of Iraqi oil out of the ground and shipped it over here to be processed by American workers and pumped into American vehicles, regardless of their gas mileage. I only wish we could rattle a few swords around the region and flood this country with cheap fuel. We don't. And we haven't. What's more - if we'd smarten up and get Keystone done, we'd barely need Middle Eastern oil at all, and prices would most definitely start dropping. Because, after all, if there's any connection at all between our national interests and Mideast oil it's that, when the OPEC secretaries all get done writing checks to terrorists, fucking young children, chopping off hands and bouncing up and down on a mat, they set the international market price per barrel. That's the only thing that matters for us. And by us, I mean our stock prices, retirement funds and a small cadre of dirty businessfolk who make a living on commodity prices. And this glorious connection back to Standard Oil? Let's call it true for the moment, at least in spirit - that American greed ruined an otherwise peaceful people, whose only wish was to practice their peaceful religion in, well, peace. What of the responsibility of self-contained nations whose autonomy we defend so vigorously in the argument against military action? We twist ourselves in knots trying to be culturally sensitive and "fair" to a backward culture. All the while a certain bunch of terror-supporting, child-fucking, hand-chopping, mat-bouncing, ruling class fucks keep stuffing currency in mattresses and doing nothing for their fellow countrymen or their local economy. Nothing, that is, except standing and watching from on-high while half of the underclass stays always focused on slaughtering the other half of the underclass. This has nothing to do with past, present or future use of the U.S. military in the Mideast and everything to do with how much energy we spend trying to NOT blame a backward goddamn culture of people, MOST of whom are accepting, or at least tolerant, of mass murder in the name of Allah. So, we're almost gleeful in the way we contort ourselves to tie blame into the likes of John Rockefeller and the greedy American robber barons for the Arab problem of the day. Something to marvel at, really.
Jack your assumption in all of this is that when bad people do bad things to bad people that somehow makes them good. This is the normal posture for somebody who is on top at the moment.
That's ripe horseshit. I made no such assumption. The issue at hand is purely one of focus. Relativism is fun and all, particularly when discussed under a tree in the corner of the quad with a group of over-pierced and unemployable skeezers. It just has no place on planet earth, where we have real issues, where good and bad ARE fairly apparent and where there IS a universal truth. So, for example, we all know that it's wrong to chop off heads - even the guy doing it, who otherwise wouldn't feel the need to wear a mask and conceal his identity for a "noble" act while making a big show of it at the same time. He may think there's a greater good, but the part where he murders an innocent journalist to make a point is universally bad. Pausing to compare and consider our own sins with his is a waste of goddamn time because the line of reasonableness isn't even close on this one. Big as the world is, there are remarkably few people slicing off heads this morning. But it's Tuesday after a Monday night loss. I'm willing to wait out the day.
I'm not defending the bad guys. Just pointing out that there have been a lot of them over the last decade and they didn't all play for the other team.
Oh we get to see another mother blame the US government for her child voluntarily going into a war zone. Lovely.
They have kidnapped hundreds and will continue to do it since numerous European countries pay millions in ransoms. The beheading is for those whom ransom was not paid but most that are caught know the risks so they should not expect a ransom be paid. The ransoms are a big part of the funding of these terrorist groups. While many in the beginning got caught behind enemy lines so to speak, those getting captured now can not claim they didn't know it could happen.