the John Idzik Thread. (All GM Discussion in Here)

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Run_N_gun10, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. MaximusD163

    MaximusD163 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    It's hard to say, I do have a feeling he might go for a little less than people expect though. We may be able to bring him in for $7 million a year though, which I think is reasonable value for a 5 year deal. I don't have a problem giving him the money because Although I have hopes for McDougle, we can't rely on a guy we never got to see play. We can always trade Maxwell in the 2016 offseason if McDougle ends up looking like a stud.

    Keep in mind, we got Decker in a pretty dry WR market and we only paid $7 million a year for him, so just because a market isn't deep doesn't mean you can't get a player at a decent value.
    BacktoQueens likes this.
  2. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    well i hope you are right regarding your offseason thoughts.
    7M would be a nice value, but i think he may up going higher due to demand. I'd have to watch Maxwell's game a little closer to determine how much i'd be willing to spend. Do agree though that we need a bridge CB player, ready to go right now, and focus on the Oline early in draft.
    McDougle will need time to both recover from the knee, and adapt to the pros after missing 2 straight years.

    My slight criticism on Idzik is that he could have done that this year as well, making us a more competitive team in 2014.
  3. MaximusD163

    MaximusD163 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Injuries happen, but we got hit hard. McDougle looked very good in camp and could probably have pushed to start, so imagine Milliner was healthy, and Patterson didn't act strangely and ended up being our starter. McDougle looked good, and took over starting when Patterson went down with one of his frequent injuries. People would be saying how great Idzik did, even though he didn't do anything differently than right now. His plan could have worked, or he could have signed any other CB who could have gone down and we'd be in the same situation.
  4. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    i have no issue with the McDougle pick, and agree he would have had a role by season's end if not for the injury. perhaps even replacing Wilson.
    My problem is the Patterson signing. We needed a much better bridge player option, and there were many available. There's no doubt Idzik fell short there.
    We'll end up spending big next season to correct the problem. So if that does end up being the case, what was the point of waiting, and suffering through bad CB play in 2014? that's my biggest criticism on Idzik. Otherwise i believe he's been doing a competent job, and we still have to wait and see on some of the draft picks.
  5. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    Cro would've been a good bridge player… thats the one move I really didn't get, the cost and injury risk was relative between he and patterson, and he's already established here, why not give 'em a one year deal?

    was there some kind of locker room issue or something we aren't aware of?
    Run_N_gun10 likes this.
  6. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Cro was the last resort when the Nnamdi thing fell through and once his contract was up they dropped him like a bad habit.

    I'm sure it was because he is uncoachable, and I'd bet that he and Thurman dislike each other equally.

    I forget the thread, but there were multiple quotes (one from Revis) saying that he doesn't respond well to authority, and would basically blow off certain coaching instructions and give coaches the silent treatment.

    Sort of goes along with him not wanting to tackle and never really learning how to jam. The guy has spent his entire career relying on his superior athletic ability to cover up the fact that he doesn't care about working on technique.
    Run_N_gun10 likes this.
  7. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    BTW, I don't know if he's worth that that much. he's a good corner but 7 mill a year good?

    I thought he had matured a bit more than that over time? hm, I guess if he rubbed coaches the wrong way… eh, I don't know.
  8. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    On the field, he made a few tackles and used his physical ability to make plays. His technique always sucked.

    Even during the season and a half where he played well, he didn't jam and tackled rarely. He just played better than he had in the way he wanted to.
  9. MaximusD163

    MaximusD163 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    I've been watching him and he's pretty damn good. You want a real #1 guy you have to drop a shit ton of cash, more than $10 million. $7 million would be a great deal for Maxwell if he finishes the season the way he started.
  10. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    7M a year would put him tied with DRC for 15th/16th highest paid CB in the league.
    If Maxwell has a solid year, and ends up one of the top FA CB's next offseason, my guess is he gets paid more. A lot depends on how his season plays out.
  11. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I feel like I bring it up a lot but I don't care because it is a great book, but Collision Low Crossers dedicated a page or so to this idea. Talking about how he would pout if he got called out during film. At one point apparently he either told Pettine or Thurman(can't remember which) to go fuck himself or fuck off. I'll have to look it up later and post the exact snippet. Long story short, you're right. Immense talent that awed the coaching staff but infuriating because he couldn't take constructive criticism.
    abyzmul likes this.
  12. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I don't like being spoken to like some kind of dolt who needs another posters approval for my thoughts so cut the crap with that nonsense. He just happens to be one of the more knowledgeable minds here.

    The point with it is whether you agree with it or not this is why no other cornerback route was taken and you'll have to deal with the fact that our secondary is below average but not mind blowingly bad like you insinuate it is.

    I'm in the same camp that it's not worth it to overpay for mediocre talent because the market dictates they should get a larger contract they deserve. I'm not talking about Corey Graham or guys on his level but do signings like that really make our secondary among the best in the league or something? Is he really that significant of an upgrade over a Darrin Walls or Antonio Allen? John Idzik will give you 3.5 million reasons a year why he's not. Where is everyone saying we should've signed Walter Thurmond now that he's done for the year? If we signed him and the same thing happened it would've been Idzik's fault somehow for not signing 6 average corners to higher deals than they deserve this offseason.
  13. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Said back in May his talent evaluation is suspect and needs a new set of advisors. Look for future Garappolos, Lees and other offensive/defensive upgrades next year.

    However, this was not a game I thought we could win. So still say we make it to 10-6.
    Run_N_gun10 likes this.
  14. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Idzik reminds me a lot of Alderson when it comes to front office shot callers. Alderson just happened to be onboard when the A's took off but it was Billy Beane that actually made the right personnel decisions that got them there. Idzik just happened to be on Seattle's staff when the 'hawks took off but he wasn't directly involved in the personnel side. So far, Alderson has done well with stocking Pitchers, but very little else. So far, Idzik has done ok with stocking Defensvie personnel (thank you Rex) but the jury is still out on the other side of the ball.

    Leaves the Jets in purgatory for the most part. Exactly where we've been for the last 4 decades with the occasional trip to hell.
    Run_N_gun10 likes this.
  15. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Scott was sensitive, but he was also a pro and a realist, knew how it all worked. Cromartie's defenses were thinner, but Pettine tried. He praised Cro's coverage on Brad Smith's fluky touchdown. Soon enough, on the film, Cro was four yards off the line of scrimmage with his back turned to his man. When Pettine chided him, Cro said "Shut up." Then he said "Fuck you." Pettine told him quietly, "Don't lose your cool. We're all in this together." DT spoke up. "Players play and coaches coach." The rest of the session was quiet.

    As soon as Pettine left and the defense split into positional units, Cro said loudly that Pettine was a "high-school coach" and declared he wasn't "gonna take it" from him......DT again urged them to stay together as a team, not to pick at one another. He told Cro to go talk with Pettine if something was bothering him. "If I talk to him, I'll punch him in the face," said Cro. On the other side of the room, O'Neil looked shocked. DT told Cro that Pettine had a job to do......After a while, Pettine sent word that Cro should come by his office. The team needed Cro.

    Right afterward, O'Neil marveled at Pettine. "I would have lost it," he said. "Pet was perfect. He handled it perfect." When the season was over, Leondhard said he still thought it was the "craziest thing I ever saw. Cro's not mentally tough, and if he feels attacked, he flips out. He felt attacked. Everybody in the room agreed with Pet, but Cro felt attacked. All they're trying to do is help him. They see that, physically, they don't make them like that. He fights what's good for him. It's obviously a core issue with him. It may hold him back his whole life."

    ......Revis began talking about Cromartie. Since October, Revis said, when Pettine had made his comments to the newspapers about good Cro and Bad Cro, Cromartie had been brooding. "It was building up in Cro," Revis said. "I told him, 'Don't worry about it.' But it was building up in him and we were losing and he went off in the meeting. Crazy day. Shouldn't have happened. Cro can't take authority. DT'll tell him something and its 'Got you, Coach.' Sometimes it's 'I said I got you, man. Why you keep coming at me?' You have incidents with Cro from time to time." Revis noticed that some days when Cro came into the dining hall at breakfast, even though all his teammates were seated at one of the round cafeteria tables,, Cro would go find his own table and eat by himself...."He could be the best corner in the league. I just gotta be positive with him."

    -Collison Low Crossers, p.383-386
  16. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    This is about the least surprising thing I have ever read. Glad to see some confirmation, though.

    Cromartie is mentally a teenager and will never get above that level. Thanks for that quote.
  17. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    you gotta read that book byz. its fuckin awesome. i couldnt put it down
    BeastBeach likes this.
  18. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    The best part about it was that it was written by a guy who was basically ignorant on the topic of football going in. Because of that he had no biases or preconceived notions about what he observed.
  19. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Idzik's apologists here pretend that it was the plan all along to fill that gap with Patterson. But obviously their attempt to get DRC shows that Patterson was not the original plan. Idzik ended up with a journeyman who was a step down from what they would have had with a returning Cromartie because he was a day late and a dollar short with DRC, and then proceeded in failing to get any other Cb's better than Patterson.

    There really is nothing to the notion that ending up with Patterson was somehow a great idea since it wasn't even Idzik's idea in the first place. He just failed to get someone better.
  20. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Again, someone quote my post so this dope can see it since he blocks people who make him look bad....

    Idzik offered DRC 1 year and $6 mil if reports are true. So "a day late and a dollar short" is a bit of an oversell by someone who is desperately trying to make their opinion look right.

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