I wonder if there would even be outrage had Goodell suspended him 8 games or a full season initially? This just seems to be a device for people to use to criticize the 2 game suspension but also allow them to exaggerate their outrage and demands.
Considering the violence that built this country, and has been the lynch pin in establishing itself as a super power, it is funny to hear people speak of being shocked by it. Divorce is over 50% in this country which means communication between the sexes is fucked up and it's been that way for a long time. Ray Rice doesn't have a damn thing to do with that.
“Jesus Hollywood believed in a lot of things. He believed that stars were ghosts of family long since past and that he was more likely to die from an asteroid falling from the sky than another human being getting the better of him. He believed that children could see things when adults had already stopped believing. Jesus Hollywood believed that you wrote your own story. He believed that anything could happen if you really set your mind to it. He believed that, in the end, everything would be ok; if it wasn't ok, it wasn't the end. Jesus Hollywood believed that it wasn't really Jesus that raised Lazarus from the dead, but the other way around. And Jesus Hollywood sure as fuck believed in love.”
Lol was just listening to Franscessar and some idiot just called about the Rice situation and he started to go off the rails a bit and then he said "well, what if the woman spit on him" and Fatso (to his credit) asked, several different ways-- "wait a minute, if a woman spits on you, you're going to slug her?" and the guy reiterated about 5 times that "yeah, if a woman spits on me I'm going to be swinging/I'm going to punch her/that's the way I was raised/a woman has to respect the man blahblahblah" before Fasto hung up on him and concluded "THAT guy is part of the problem, if a woman spits on you or is hysterical, you grab her hands, you wrap her up with your arms, you restrain her, you walk away, you get someone else to intervene--you do NOT slug her". I didn't catch the callers name but I think he was from Irvington NJ. _
Out side the lines pour fuel to fire with their report. Some pretty damning stuff. Rice case: purposeful misdirection by team, scant investigation by NFL This outside the lines report will help Ray Rice appeal case.
Is Ryan trying to build a team of mercenaries to win the Super Bowl or bring peace to Somalia? There's more cancer there than an overrun oncology lab.