I appreciate the half dozen or so mentions of how you are somehow able to beat up a professional football player. Too bad you are so starved for attention.
I LOL'd when I read this. Ill put my house on it that if you and AP squared up he'd stiff arm you into next year. Wussup with people thinking they can just beat down pro athletes?
Of course you weren't. Most people who are not parents don't have a clue what its like to raise a child 24/7 and don't understand the responsibility that comes with it. Every time I have used physical force with my son I have told him before why he was receiving it, and after we would talk about why and what needed to change about his behavior. I rather I have some bad moments between me and my son and him learn from his mistakes rather than let our penal system take care of my problem and overall let him ruin his own life because I didn't care enough to intervene. I have to believe this is what AP is trying to do, he comes across very sincere and honest but he has to also realize he has taken his punishment waaay to far for the kids age.
I think the best thing the Vikings could do right now is start Bridgewater, he showed a lot of ability, he can be a leader, it would allow that team to focus back on football and move on. They clearly screwed up by not removing Peterson originally but in the press conference they basically admitted they messed it up, the owner was clearly distraught, etc.
And lastly, remember when I called the owners "money hungry scumbags" and half this board flipped shit over it? Well the proof is in the pudding right here. The Vikings didnt care about the kid that got beat, they only cared about the money, thats why they originally allowed Peterson back, but the moment the Sponsors (AKA $$$) began to pull out/threaten, they reversed their decision. None of them truly care, they dont, the only thing that matters to them is the dollar, if they lose dollars they will respond, if they dont lose dollars, they dont care. All 32 owners operate in this manner, so its not just Wolf.
He might be back, but he is gone for this season imo. Considering he is "exempt" for all legal proceedings, this should last past the season anyway so he should be gone, but I would just cut him if I am Minnesota, time to move on. (It would be like Vick returning to the Falcons, although not that extreme considering Vick went to prison)
And I remember you saying that as a result you weren't going to support the NFL or watch it anymore and that you were only going to post here in the NBA thread. Yes, I remember that...
Simple: in that same post of yours you just quoted, calling the owners "money hungry scumbags" you went on to say that as a result of that you weren't going to support them, or follow the NBA and that from that point on your TGG involvement was going to be in the NBA thread only. You opened up that Pandora's box Spanky, not me. You made that "money hungry=not supporting it, only here for the NBA thread" declaration, not me. Go kick Adrian Peterson's ass.
What the hell is wrong with the NFL and these discipline problems? You dont hear about nearly as many issues like this in the NHL, MLB or NBA. I dont understand.