how on Earth GB wasn't flagged there as well is incredible. we have an aggressive team so we will get penalties but it's been crazy the first 2 weeks how the opponents can do what they want and won't get flagged.
If you really believe he won't get re-signed - I have 24 karat 50 lb golden football I can sell you for $9.99, gift wrapped.
I wasn't happy that he lost his composure and was ejected, but to me he handled it the right way being contrite after the fact. I hope he uses this as a learning experience and understands how much it hurts the team when he's not out there...
Obviously, you can't read. I didn't say he wouldn't get resigned, I said that he would get his new contract reworked later rather then sooner smh.
Exactly, why even have offsetting penalties? How we got flagged twice on that play and they didn't get one I have no clue. I had no issue with Wilk being tossed as he clearly broke a rule (the first throw was a punch) but to say there were no penalties on Packer players was bs.
You, sir, are an idiot...You don't need to get your ass thrown out of a game to prove you aren't "soft." All Wilk did was aid in costing his team a very winnable game. End of story. There are only 16 of them a season....especially when you are the New York Jets of late so you don't waste them needlessly. If that is your barometer for judging whether your team is "soft" or not maybe another line of sport to root for? At Acad...bullshit...I'd bench him...everyone knows "starting" is a load of shit. Nope...if Wilkerson were playing for me he wouldn't even dress. AND it would cost him a game check. End of story right there. These god damn assholes better start playing within the rules...and CLEANER than most...because the league has it out for the Jets and the officials will do whatever possible to toss the little yellow flag on our team. Time to make an example.
The 2nd player who retaliates gets the flag, just like the 2nd mouse gets the cheese. It's been that way forever.
I don't believe i am an idiot but thank you. If the packers are talking smack and getting in the face of our players, i like to see my team fight back and not get rolled over. Maybe it will light a fire under the teams ass(sorta of like a manger getting thrown out in baseball) The jets were in desperate need of a spark so in that given moment I was not against Wilk getting thrown out. Yes, he overreacted, but he apologized to the team, no reason to bench him. But your right the league and the refs have a conspiracy plan against the NY jets,its highlighted in there weekly meetings................
Didn't your mom teach you about sticks and stones? Now, if your brother was being choked and your other brother was getting his hat torn off you could make a better case for overreacting.
Richardson had hold of another player's facemask. The retaliation was getting his ripped off. It was a bullshit penalty.
Someone from the Packers should have been penalized as well. For those who want to see the footage again.
It happens but this is soo not a big deal. Mo has no history of anything like this and it was a temporary moment of insanity on his part. I actually don't mind that much as I like the passion. He messed up, lesson learned and time to move on to the Bears.