If you can't discipline your child without beating them, you are a terrible parent. If the only way you can get your child to respect authority is to make them fear it, you are a terrible parent.
I don't look at it as a referendum on spanking. I have never had reason to spank my kid, though I can see a scenario I might. That said, I can't think of anything my boy did at 4 years old that would merit hurting him like that.
Not sure what this has to do about abusing your kids. I think you have come up a couple of kids short Adrian Peterson could have 7 kids: ex http://nypost.com/2013/10/17/adrian-peterson-could-have-7-kids-ex/
Seriously? Do these look like they will "be gone by Monday"? I have no problem with physical punishment within reason even if I wouldn't do it myself but what is shown here, if they are the actual marks left, is way beyond punishment. If you break the skin and leave welts that last for days then you went way overboard. And all these idiotic statements like, "he is from the south" and "that's how he was disciplined", are just flat out moronic. Because someone was possibly beaten to excess as a child that makes it OK for them to do the same wrong thing? And corporal punishment is not a southern thing, to put a location on it is, once again flat out moronic.
Oh my... That's not a spanking! That's abuse. Good God WTF goes through peoples heads when they do this to kids?!
This thread was 150 posts deep and the pictures had been posted numerous times before you started talking shit. Maybe you should look at the evidence first next time, genius.
I was talking about discipline vs abuse, not once did I say AP was right or wrong. Feel free to look at each of my posts. I reserved my opinion until I saw the pictures
My opponent doesn't have AP but the team that does already sat him yesterday. I wouldn't hold out hope unless he's in the Ukraine _
He got subbed out this morning for Andre Ellington who is playing injured. I'm not too worried. No one else on his team is above average.
there is a huge difference between spanking or even disciplining your child with a switch, which is undoubtedly a cultural behavior, and making your child look like a baby tiger. I'm not going to condemn using a switch to discipline your child, but there is certainly a level where you have gone too far. this seems to be it.
And how pathetic are the Vikings looking now, just like the Ravens, the deactivate, reactivate him, pledge their full support to him saying he has done nothing wrong, and then as soon as the public and media state their sides, he's deactivated until further notice. What a joke. Good for them to at least do something, even if it took everything going wrong for them to do so.
Money talks! Vikings need him to win. Winning games is more important than some lousy kid with stripes on his legs... & nut sack. Heck he's still a decade away from using that junk. We need to win Sunday! Where are your priorities?!