It's so easy to spot the agenda driven dopes in these kinds of threads, they'll never address the facts of what actually happened in a particular case, they always have to invent some pie in the sky scenario which they think justifies the deplorable behavior they're supporting.
Yes one time on the ass is ok, although I personally wouldn't use a stick; my hand was always sufficient. Anyway... I got impression that most of your opponents in this thread were arguing from standpoint of this particular case, not re capital punishment in general. Perhaps next time it'd wise to look at the pictures before passing a judgement.
Adrian Peterson turned himself in...This is his mugshot. Its like hes going in for a Topps card photo shoot
Do you not realize what you just said there? I don't care if it's his kid or not, there has to be some levelheadedness when meting out punishment. Unless that 4 year old kid was selling crack to babies on the street corner, there's no way that punishment fit the crime. To say "well I don't want to know it's his kid" is basically admitting that whatever punishment--regardless of the severity--a parent feels is appropriate is fine by you and THAT is the "drift" I'm catching. If you catch MY drift. _
I always loved the Heisman Pose football card, or the QB with both hands on the ball behind the ear. _
Are you this dumb? Please tell me you didn't see my post in regards to abuse and discipline. Obvious at this point you are trying to pick a fight. Pretty petty.
No, that's not what you just said. I was done until you just made that statement and I'm not trying to pick a fight. You just said you don't want to know what the kid did because it is, after all, his kid. You can say you theoretically distinguish between abuse and discipline but you just shot that down with that "drift". I'd be wary of calling anyone dumb if I were you. You make dumb people seem not dumb. _
So for those saying this is ok, you are telling me you would be fine with your four year old son/nephew to come home like this?! If this happenned to anyone I know, I would have to retaliate. The court systems might not give you an ass beating, but I will and then I will flash the aftermath on instragram for the whole planet to see.
Some are too busy posting at a rival Jets board (the troll board), like the one who banned me for a full year for revealing this information.
Unless in extreme circumstances I don't believe in beating children. I got beat as a kid by my parents. I think AP went overboard especially given the alleged reason for the beating.