Maybe you aren't smart enough to interpret what I am saying. Say what you will but it doesn't bother me one bit.
Hey, not saying you're a bad poster, some good football stuff there. But when it comes to logic and reason, not so much. My ability to interpret what you say and what you THINK you're saying is what keeps this entertaining. _
You want to know there is so many violence issues in today's society - domestic violence for example? Because violence is learned and violence leads to violence. I'm sorry, but other than for self defense ( when walking away is not possible) there is no justification for hitting another person. The Ray Rice's of the world are created by the behaviors of parents like AP. How does a child process this information ? How does it make sense to punish violence with violence? You shouldn't hit/push/slap your brother/sister/cousin/friend so to punish you I'm going to spank (hit) you? No man should physically attack his wife/girlfriend and no parent should hit or slap a child. Period. What AP and Rice did are despicable. There are no excuses for either.
Looking at the pictures though, I think AP was overly excessive. I've been beaten with a switch before as I said, but not to the point where I have cuts all over my body.
On the other hand, the infantile banter that makes it's way into every thread thanks to the same handful of posters is making this board unreadable. I find myself scrolling through dozens of posts to get some substance. Mods need to put an end to it. If you want to argue with someone off topic, PM them and spare us.
See, there you go again. That first statement has no logical relation to the second. Whether I agree with something or not does not confer logic or reasoning upon you. _
No way dude dont you know??...if the Columbine kids had been spanked they wouldnt have shot up their school
But some behaviors can be unlearned. I grew up in a family of 7 siblings and my parents used to beat the crap out of us for seemingly the most inane things. Because that's how THEY were raised. My wife and I decided--without ever discussing it out loud, it was understood--that we would never physically punish our children. And we never did and it worked out perfectly for us. We made a conscious decision not to do something. I don't think some folks have the ability to do that, or maybe it's just that they are one generation behind in the evolution of how to treat other human beings or how to treat LOVED human beings. _
So what works for you works for everyone else? I am happy you were able to raise your children the way you did - but that doesn't apply to every family.
I agree that there is difference, and that properly measured physical punishment should not be off the table. I'm curious about your opinion. Here we have a 4 yo whose bad deed was pushing a sibling. Do you think that AP's punishment was appropriate in this specific case?
Yup, and for slightly different reasons. Punishing a 4 year old child with a switch is an attempt to change that child's behavior. A FOUR year old. Despicable. Knocking a small woman out--your fiancé and mother of your child-- because of a lovers quarrel is an attempt to gain respect or show the woman her place, not necessarily to change her behavior. Despicable. _
I understand that, I'm not infallible because I've seen kids out in public or in a store wailing their asses off because Mommy won't give them the blow pop and man I secretly wish that parent had done what my parents used to do to us, but then when I actually see them physically strike or shake that child I get that I was wrong to think that way. Maybe I'm just a generation ahead of the curve. There's gotta be a better way and if I found it, given my upbringing, maybe it's not so hard. _
I just saw the pictures and AP overdid it I don't know how many times he hit that kid but it was overly excessive. I'm 28 now, so I remember a time when I was 4 years old I did a very bad thing and I hurt my mother's feelings. My dad hit me with the switch 1 time in the ass - it proved a point. We talked about the mistake I did and I apologized and never did it again. I believe this is discipline. What AP did looks to be abuse because there are marks all over the child's body. I believe this is abuse.
Like I said you raised good kids, this does not apply to every family. You aren't ahead of some curve. Some kids are just naturally bad, mainly by the influence of others.
What if AP's son hit or shoved a FEMALE in the family and the ass whooping was to prevent the kid from being the next Ray Rice? U cant say someone is wrong for laying hands on their children for doing something that could potentially lead them down a dark road. Some kids are bad as shit and a bitch ass "you stop that" wont do a damn thing neither will taking a toy. I think the ONLY thing this should be about is the fact that the kid was only 4.. The rest is 100% opinion on how you (speaking in general) would raise your own kids.
We really don't know what happened to set AP off - I myself would like to know. Well actually I don't want to know it's his kid but you catch my drift guys.