About 20 years ago I was over at a friend's house drinking beer and playing computer games, and my host's meek wife (who I'm pretty sure was abused) comes into the computer room and reports to the guy that their kid did something bad. I don't remember what it was, but I do remember thinking it wasn't that bad. He tells the kid to pull his pants down right in front of me, bends him over the knee and proceeds to give him the most violent spanking I've ever witnessed. The kid went screaming out of the room and then the guy looks at me like nothing even happened, takes a sip of beer and goes on with his computer business. I was an inch away from kicking his ass in his own home. Over the years I realized that this was probably how he grew up.
This is a mutherf$cker that needs to be kicked out of the league! Beat a4yr old with a tree branch? I'd hang that bastard !
That's beyond stupid in my opinion. If these pictures are real, if this was between two adults it would be assault. Theses something wrong with the law if you can do something to a four year old that would be illegal to do to an adult.
I can't believe anyone is trying to defend this as discipline. It is child abuse and assault, AP should be suspended from football and probably in jail. This is worse than what Rice did to his GF, at least she has the chance to get away, this kid is stuck with this ass for a father.
You were saying… Please…tell us all about your reputation. We're all ears. Wanna bet? Somebody, anybody please, loan me your wallet. He'd squash you like a bug.
As said earlier in this post... Some people will scream abuse some people will say its a passionate old school ass whoopin. Its really nothing new, but to those who simply were told "You're grounded for a week" are probably looking at this like its the worse thing in the world. At the end of the day its old now it happened in May we never heard of AP doing such things before or after it happened. I've got the switch whoopin when i was a kid and i know plenty that got the switch whoopin too.. AP said he grew up on the switch whoopin... It's all being blown up to add fuel to this terrible week its been inthe NFL news wise. The media is jizzing themselves right now they love this. America is SOFT. He's indicted .. Fuck it.. Whats coming to him will come, please dont mike Vick this man
I'm sure it's how he grew up. And I bet AP wasn't raised in some quaint suburb, not that it excuses his actions. The dude has a lot of problems, starting with the fact that he has a lot of kids and no real idea why or how to raise them. Its certainly not because he loves kids, which is the only reason to have them. Earlier this year I had to throw a guy out of the local public housing facility. He'd plead to a minor misdemeanor level charge of assault, because he'd hit his kid hard enough for bruising. This is federally funded public housing, which has a zero tolerance policy for violence, drugs, etc. So the policy is that eviction is automatic. So this guy, who is poor and black within an extremely white and affluent region, says he was raised in the south, this was how he was taught, he knows it was wrong, which is why he didn't contest the charges, he's taking anger management classes as sentenced and they are working for him and his family. And he tells us the incident occurred because the kid had been playing with matches and set a comforter in his bedroom on fire. Mind you, this is in a public housing facility that supports an extremely vulnerable population -- elderly, disabled, poor with children, etc. The guy said he felt it was his responsibility to make sure this never happened again. For the same reasons essentially that there is a zero tolerance policy in the first place. To protect the vulnerable population. Not ashamed to admit I basically half assed things to lose for the guy. But I'm not even any good at that.
If you actually posted in the Jets news forum, you would see me in action. Like I said before, if the subject was too sensitive don't post in this thread.
Hey man I already proved my point. If someone called my parents pussies on an internet message board, I would laugh that shit off you know why? Because it's an INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD. Stop trying to be some equalizer. If I hurt his feelings that much I'll apologize. Where you at Mangolden Showers? I'll give you an e-hug. It's funny how you defend this guy when he's clearly said mean personal things to other posters in other threads. When I say something everyone LOSES their minds! But that's none of my business.
That's funny because I read your incoherent ramblings and you've proved nothing. I think you are confusing your mind's perception of your point with what you actually type on this message board. It's a common theme with you I've noticed. _
I proved there is a difference between discipline and abuse. And no I do not. You continue to fight that good fight tho.