You mention you would kick a woman's ass, that she would get fucked up, that she should be man enough to take a hit, that the consequences of Janay's action were to get knocked out. Because the specific words where you say "I condone knocking women out" are not exactly in order is just your chicken shit way of trying to say you don't condone knocking women out even though you implied that Janay got what she deserved, that getting knocked out was her consequence, that you have no problem with women being hit and that you would hit women yourself. But wait, you don't condone violence, LOL.
If you want to report that someone spit on you to the police you can do so, it is possible they will get arrested. No one is saying that spitting on someone is right, it is whether a man knocking a 115 lb woman out is an appropriate response to being spit on. Spitting may be a form of disrespect, so are insults, if someone insults you do you have the right to knock them out? No. And what the fuck is with the "mentally and emotionally stunted women being created" by most in society realizing that putting hands on a woman in most cases is not an appropriate response. And you obviously went to court without a lawyer if she got the house, half your pay and the kids. I got my kids in the divorce, she paid me child support, luckily didn't have to worry about a house but I kept my business. Next time spend a little cash on a lawyer and you will get a better outcome.
I am not that well versed on the subject but I believe someone with BPS can also return some of the abuse, it is not one sided all the time. I don't think what either of them did was right and I don't think women should just have free reign to heap all kinds of abuse but if a woman does continually hit, then the man should do the same thing an abused woman should do, leave the relationship. If this was in fact a long term abusive relationship, which we don't know for sure, then he should have removed himself from the situation long before not continue to beat her back.
I agree. But the narrative is that she is the victim regardless of what she did to provoke it. No she isn't, from the video evidence she is not only equally abusive as he is but was the instigator. The reality is they are both abusers and both victims of each other's abuse, but he is being singled out as being the sole abuser and she the sole victim. To watch the video and draw that conclusion requires an extreme amount of dishonesty or hysteria.
She absolutely shares some blame I don't disagree with that. Her instagram tries to blame everyone else more so than accepting the blame they both deserve and my BPS comment was probably a little overblown.
Based on this post. Now I know you are seeing what you want to see. No need to discuss anything else further.