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Breaking News: The iPhone 6 will include features like ability to call people, ability to take pictures, ability to play music and also give you an accurate time of the day.
Excellent stuff from Apple. Iphone 6s, Apple Watch and most important Apple Pay (lots of big time vendors here...chance to make big money) This shareholder is very happy.
I'm more interested that iOS 8 is coming out soon for the iPhone. Looks like it is very integrated with macbook/iMac if you have one of those. Surprised they have the update going back all the way to the 4 if you want it.
Didn't Apple do something similar with iPhone5? Get a bunch of lemmings to buy it and then release the real phone as iPhone5s? LOL
The iphone 6 really isn't impressing me that much. That iWatch though I will probably buy. One step closer to the Star Trek communicator/tricorder my inner child so desires.
Iphones are pieces of shit imo. So many damn problems with them. The smallest thing can shut the whole phone down
Didn't notice, not even a little. Don't use iPhone for anything fancy though. The auto spell correct is a bit annoying.
Oh just saw the watch. No thanks. I didn't find them tempting before and still don't. It would be better in my opinion, if a phone wasn't needed to be there also, but I guess you can't pack that much stuff into the watch then. Reading more, the big thing is Apple embracing NFC payments with Apple Pay. This will push more people to try and use it and have stores that promote and accept it. It's been around but hasn't caught on like everyone thought it would. If it doesn't catch on now, then people just like swiping their cards for whatever reason
It has its uses. Annoying doesn't mean useless. Just need to get into habit of re-reading before sending. Easier said than done, of course.