My buddy sent me this map... Check it out... fuck facebook. In the face.
Yea, I saw that. Last year we had one county, don't know which one, this year none. A product of being inept for 45 years and playing in the shadow of (and in the same stadium with) the far more successful Giants. I also think Rex and company's constant empty talk has turned off a lot of people, and rightly so. It does have one postitive, however: we are undoubtedly NOT bandwagon fans! Especially since there is obviously no bandwagon to get on. And, as Br4dw4y5ux points out, a championship would probably drastically change that map.
This is bullshit... Do they take a vote from everybody in the Tri-State Area? They probably polled 10-50 people walking out from a Giants game...
The kind of sad thing is that even the lowly Jaguars have a fan enclave, even with Tampa Bay, Miami, and Atlanta kind of near by. That hurts.
Having lived in Queens and LI most of my life, I'd say there are more Jets fans there. It's as unscientific as facebook likes, but just the eyeball test on gear worn, people i meet, and the sports bar crowd, it's majority Jets.
Strange, though. They have results from every single region in the US. Even the uninhabited ones. Did they get polar bears and penguins to login to FB in those huge green blocks of Alaska? I have trouble believing in the veracity of that fan map.
lol penguins. But yeah, it's hard as shit to find a Jets fan that doesn't wear a Tebow jersey. Or just a real fan in general. I'm like the only guy rocking a Jets sticker on the back of my truck. But it's occasionally fun to speed and cut off the vehicles with the Patriots logo. During monday night football when the Jets were playing the Falcons, I was like the only guy freaking out about the field goal. Now I'm constantly known as 'That one Jets fan".
Living in florida is kindof the same. A majority of the jets fans I run into down here are all older, miserable soj fans. Worries me one day I might be just like them
This is actually a good sign. This means that Jets fans aren't the douchebaggy, loser motherfuckers that "Like" everything on Facebook. I have no doubt the Giant fans that "Like" the Giants on FB are 300 lb. housewives that just clicked on "Like" as they played Candy Crush Saga.
too funny. every time my wife sees another dude in jets gear she says "look hunny...there's two of you". Makes me question the NFL's domestic violence policy
North Jersey is Jets land. South Jersey is Eagles. NY loves their Giants. Every time i'm up north jersey its jets nation! We should just be the NJ Jets!