CNN and Foxnews (their online pages) both show a the reporter next to a knife a few seconds before beheading ... It's what will lead to page views and clicks...
They should report the fact that it was done and leave it at that. Sensationalizing acts of terror just leads to more acts of terror. The marketing opportunity that they see in displaying gratuitous violence to the general public is not just their marketing opportunity. It is ISIS and Al-Qaida's marketing opportunity as well.
The only way to fix these people is to deprogram all the bullshit their cult has shoved into their heads.
Whatever sells. If you're in the business of selling and have no moral center or qualms about the topics you cover then you're free to sell just about anything.
If they have the coordinates of where this took place, I would suggest removing the entire location from the face of the earth.
Incase anyone wants to see it.
obviously this is barbaric and disgraceful stuff.........and normally I agree with those of you who are angered by the media sort of helping promote the terror..........but I do believe in these particular cases it is actually galvanizing a coalition around the world (and hopefully getting congress and our president off their asses) which hopefully will lead to the destruction of these scumbags.
What's so disturbing about the sensationalizing of news like this is that the wishes of the people committing the act are being realized with every Breaking News headline. They're getting what they want while the media gets a symbiotic payoff from reporting the news in ways that are designed to grab people's attention and sell. This isn't something that government can prevent or try to criminalize with new laws. The media has every right to report everything that happens in any way that they see fit. The question is whether it is in society's best interests for the media to squeeze every last nickel out of something like this? Is it really good for us to have people selling us terror and violence on a regular basis, content to profit from that endeavor to the best of their ability? Is it good for them to do this when their desire to sell coincides with the terrorists desire to be seen doing terrible things?
is there actually still a contingent of people that think if we're nice to them they'll leave us alone?.........ya know, the Obama doctrine, the Hope and change an all of that? Still people blaming Bush for this? amazing. Yes one could argue if a holes like Saddam were left alone he'd be ruling with an iron fist over savages like this...same with Assad, but then we'd be dealing with a completely different set of problems. The facts are that our president's desire to lead from behind, appease his lefty base by "ending wars" all while being naïve to what the world is like post 9-11, and what the ramifications of pulling our troops out of an area that still needed their presence would be. Being a weak, detached and ineffective leader certainly doesn't help. But at least he's filling the party's coffers and shaving a few strokes off the old handicap..........putz.
Obama has been one of the best Presidents we have had in awhile. And Bush and his buddies played a giant part in this current mess. The war in Iraq was a complete mess and was unnecessary. We did however manage to built a nice little city within our new embassy though... 750 million + well spent.
Bush fucked up iraq but he didn't go into Syria and arm isis and then open the flood gates in iraq by removing our military presence. You cannot seriously try and blame this on Bush as awful of a president as he was. and as awful as bush was obama is even worse! laughable. oh and by the way ... the leader of isis ... he was locked up in gitmo under the bush regime. fucking osamabama set him free like the retard he is.
These people are fucked up. I can only hope we come up with a plan very soon to deal with these animals.