This is where we are at as a society.
It's very easy to get offended in America. All sorts of fools can't wait to play victim. We have idiots here who are deeply offended by gay marriage - 2 people getting married they will never meet but OUTRAGE!!! A Muslim mosque in Tennessee got many people outraged too. This lady's a moron. Don't know why the restaurant removed it due to 1 fool...
I agree and fuck France but I like talking history so here's a way off topic post about France; Historically, they have always been one of the most powerful nations in the world. France's power index score on the world firepower list ranks them as the 6th most powerful military in the world today. They also have one the largest nuclear sub fleets in the world. So they are basically unconquerable now unless you are willing to endure 65 million deaths to your population. The joke is they're pussies and they are (also they generally smell bad) but can't really blame them abt being tentative nowadays after this past century and it's generations have seen their countryside beaten like a dead horse in two world wars, the second in which their homeland was completely conquered. Before ww2 they had two of the largest empires the world has ever seen, both were larger than the Roman Empire. Their second colonial empire was 1/10 of the earth's land mass. Before that was the first colonial empire and the Napoleonic era. Napoleon commanded arguably the greatest army in all history. France and Britain at the time were the largest colonizers of the new world (and entire world in general) and without France's help we likely wouldn't have won the revolutionary war. Before that they had the 3 musketeers, 100 years war, Joan of arc, all that stuff. Before that was the Carolingian empire and Frankish empire. Modern France arose from the west half of the Carolingian empire, which is named after Charlemagne, the greatest Frankish king. The Franks were actually a Germanic tribe that moved in on the crumbling medieval Roman Empire and took northern France (yes, French people are basically German) Southern France was taken by the Visigoths. Before this the entire area of France Germany Belgium and north Italy was known as Gaul and had been ruled by the Romans for centuries after conquering the various powerful tribes of the region and latinizing their cultures. Most of these tribes were originally of the Celtic culture. The Celts originated in Central Europe and eventually occupied all of France. Before this they were only in the eastern parts, around the time the Greeks had founded Massalia in 600 BC aka Marseilles, the oldest city in France. Before that is prehistoric time Neanderthals vs humans and shit. So as far back as recorded events goes, the region has historically always been occupied by very militarily powerful peoples.
I already said I wasn't sure how scientific the poll was but I am always up for bombing the French, don't need a poll to sway me.
These people are scum, but I cant help but laugh at all this "us vs. them" shit. Like our government has their hands clean. This shit wouldn't happen if we didn't have investments in the middle east. Anybody who thinks its about anything else but $$$ is lost.
Breaking news on CNN, Steve Sotloff the other journalist has been beheaded and another video has been sent in.
Talk radio listener is angry. What did you think would happen when you get rid of a dictator that kept the 3 parts of the country from killing each other? What a clusterfuck it is.
Will this teach dumb Americans to avoid certain countries? We have those 3 morons in North Korea...Missionaries who now want our help to get out....LOL. People need to be taught a lesson that doing dumb things (going to shitty countries) could result in death.
These guys are journalists you fucking dope. They have more balls in their pinkies than you have in your whole extended family of morons.
This is from a show "locked up abroad", but it should give you a better understanding on how these journalists are treated by these pansy terrorists. This one occurred in the poverty country Somalia:
They don't have smarts. It doesn't matter what one's profession is... Going into a warzone or an enemy country could result in capture and/or death. People really want our government to babysit for dumb Americans?
Yeah cause having brave independent sources for information in such places is such a terrible thing. And you are the last person to be lecturing people on "smarts". You have none.
People can be brave all they want...But it could result in a higher increase of death...That's all I'm saying. Being noble (getting the news out) is good but these clowns in ISIS don't fuck around... These folks knew the risk of going to Syria/Iraq when both are experiencing civil war and ISIS. Now that Iraq doesn't have a strong armed dictator, game over. They will be fighting...It's what those 6th century fools do best. Fighting over nothing.
WTF is wrong with CNN and all the other US media outlets showing the beheadings? I'd do a long post about journalistic integrity and ethics here but I'm too angry to type it out right now. Get with the fucking program and stop being an accessory to terrorism and murder after the fact. BTW, the 3rd guy is going to get topped also. CNN and the other US media outlets are guaranteeing that by turning these despicable and contemptible acts into a marketing opportunity in the US.