I really didn't want to type all that out. : ) But it boils down to the same. Silencers are also available...for a fee.
The only reason to have a child shooting a weapon like this is because u have an agenda to propagate. and , because there are idiots out there ...well you live by the sword.. I'm for guns but there is something called common sense.... and it's a shame that some people just don't have it or not use it because they rather perpetuate bullshit.
Come on RT. You think that stupid family was driving around an empty Arizona town thinking "hey we need to promote our anti gun agenda by having our kid shoot a backwoods gun instructor in the head with an Uzi"? This was stupid people encountering a stupid person. And now it's a national story that's being cited as proof that yadda yadda. Yet another national story that wouldn't be one if it wasn't for political shitbaggery.
Well not totally free. I use a 1 liter plastic Dr. Pepper bottle, about $0.99. I don't get the nickel back at recycling. _
You can use your argument to get rid of age restrictions on any activity. Why have a legal drinking age? Only dumb ass people get drunk or let their kids drink enough to get drunk. Lower the drinking age to 10 and just provide more education on responsible drinking. Why have a legal driving age. If a 13 year old is properly trained and drives the "right" car with the seat close enough to the pedals, there should be no issue. Smoking? Go for it at 8 years old if you just educate on the dangers of smoking and make sure they smoke where it is legal. As for the argument that underage drivers and drinkers potentially cause harm to others, many of us feel the same way about guns. Why should I have to fear for the safety of my family in any school, work place or public place knowing that some wacko can open fire with an automatic weapon and huge magazines just so they can be famous. If a 9 year old is legally shooting an Uzi for enjoyment while on vacation, we live in a very sick country. Besides the loss of the instructors life, that girl is going to be scarred for life.
http://time.com/3211885/guns-children-firing-range-uzi/ Letting Kids Shoot Guns Is Good for Them I couldn't agree more.
Exactly how I was taught, hours of gun safety training first, you learn the proper respect for the firearm. What that range was doing with the uzi was the exact opposite, they treated the gun like a toy.
Well, at least the only person who got hurt was the idiot who handed her the weapon in the first place. What a dumb fuck. The only time someone that young should fire a weapon is when playing a video game, and even then it's probably not appropriate for them.
Exactly. Me and my 3 brothers learned at an indoor range with a .22 long Marlin and .22 long Mauser and a .22 target pistol with my Dad and trained professionals. We were in a youth gun club that was completely controlled and we competed and earned patches for proficiency as well as safety. I didn't start shooting larger caliber guns until my late teens. It taught me to shoot but it also taught me incredible respect for what guns are, the benefits as well as the incredible dangers. Respect being the operative word. _
As an outsider looking in what's always fascinated me about American gun control debate is the pro gun sides use of the constitution without any discussion of the context in which that constitution was written. It was written for a time 200 years ago when a man's only way of defending himself was with his own firearm and those firearms were nowhere near the weaponry used today, it surely wasn't intended to allow people to carry 6 shooters in their pants on a night out? We Irish get a lot for being "backward" drunks potatoes river dance etc and like America we have a constitution that was meant for another time in history, but unlike America we aren't afraid to change and modernise it when required. In the last 10 years we have changed it to allow further Eu membership,abortion (in certain circumstances), to give children constitutional rights, to change the role of the church in state affairs and there are amendments coming on gay marriage and adoption. I guess my point is as long as Americans keep hanging their rights on 200 year old legislation ye are always going to have a massive problem
When the constitution was written it was referring to military grade weapons of the time. Should we not be allowed free speech on the internet because when the constitution was written that sort of technology didn't exist? Do we really want idiots being able to say whatever they want to anyone in the world?
Free speech 200 years ago is no different to free speech today whatever the instrument used, you cannot say the same about weapons
200 years ago there weren't islamic fundamentalists beheading American journalists on the internet. Do we really want to allow Islamic people to walk around our streets at night knowing what they're capable of?
I know nothing about weapons, I have never held one and I really don't have any great desire to do so. But society is far removed from what it was when that document was written. There were no police forces no security systems no communication systems No social security numbers and no way of doing background checks. Do you really believe if Washington was drafting it today for today's society he wouldn't include checks etc?. Maybe there are legitimate reasons Americans need personal firearms (I really don't know) but imo the old it says it in the constitution isn't reason enough
Not all Islamics are fundamtalists the same way not all Irish men are drunk gingers. Basically if you want a gun so you can confront every Muslim you see walking the streets by night then I'm going to be seeing your name on cnn at some point