I lol at how the media keeps calling him a "teen", as if anybody refers to an 18 year old as a teen in any situation. He is a man.
when you're pushing a narrative it's best to hit the twitter generation with something including "unarmed teen".
Just like continuously mentioning that he was unarmed to intimate that there could be no justification for shooting him it is simply an appeal to emotion aimed at imbeciles who lack logical thinking skills. Whip the mass into a frenzy they will keep watching. Sadly the medias extremely influential success in this regards reveals that the majority of our country are irrational hysterics incapable of seeing how easily they are manipulated.
Critical evidence and information has been held out from the investigation yeah I have a reason to judge
So you haven't seen the responses from the people raising money for Darren Wilson? Cops and citizens alike?
I figured you were talking about the rational people posting in this thread. Not the fringe crazies which exist on both sides. Those people don't matter with regards to this discussion
So you just decided since all the information is not available you will make your own judgment? Makes sense.
Best 44 seconds of the media coverage of this shooting. Look at the uncomfortable faces of the Liberals. They look like they just swallowed a bug.
The disdain was dripping off their shitbag faces while he basically laid out a truth they don't think they can make money off of.
http://www.ijreview.com/2014/08/172...allegedly-involved-second-degree-murder-case/ Poor unarmed kid brutally attacked with 158 bullets in the back for nothing but jwalking by an officer with a shady past. I'm going to go steal shit to make this good.
it won't matter. the outrage of the black community is not steeped in rationale or logic, and that is enabled by the white media that wants to keep the black community irrational so they can support them as proof that they aren't racist. white guilt is worse for the black community than the KKK.
And the cop that brutally murdered that innocent child got fired from his last job for murdering another child then skullfucking his corpse. Or something similar. You damn straight I'm looting me some plasma. _
unreliable source so I won't link to it but I'm reading national guard choppers and armored vehicles are in Ferguson this evening. speculation is that the news of no indictment is coming out and they're preparing for the worst.