I posted pretty much a background on this issue. The point is it's a freaking corrupt Police Department that was my true point - Wilson is included. They beat up an innocent black woman too. Of course they will say Wilson did nothing wrong. The article I posted was in regards to Wilson's past that's it. The truth is right in front of you.
Hell we could go on and on. I remember a case about a man named O.J. where the black coummnity thought he was not guilty now most of them don't think that.
You do know it only takes a few to make it a corrupt police force. Not taking up for Wilson just saying.
No, that's NOT the point you stated earlier. The truth is right in front of me is that you didn't bother to read the fucking article YOU posted and it actually contradicts what YOU claim. Show me the article where Wilson was fired because of a physical altercation, that even hints that he's an habitual problem. You can't because the article says the opposite. Dude, read shit before you post it and don't make up bullshit to fit your narrative when it's purely bullshit. _
Did you ever go back and look at the reactions filmed in locations filled with all blacks and all whites? I remember seeing a video that night of a small black college and the students were all watching it in a cafeteria or something and when the verdict was read the applause was thunderous with much joy and laughing and backslapping. I was standing in The Blarney Stone on 3rd Ave and 44th and when the verdict was read and the silence was deafening, following by muttering and folks slinking back off to their offices. One of those two groups had it right, not sure which one. 101 still believes if the glove don't fit you must acquit. And that OJ was framed. _
Stop being a fucking moron and look up the articles yourself then, there are numerous articles out there in regards to that police force, I already mentioned the police corruption in that town. More than likely EVERYONE was involved in some sort of fashion because NO ONE STEPPED UP AND MENTIONED OH THIS IS A PROBLEM, WE SHOULD DO SOMETHING. That's all I needed to hear. I wouldn't be surprised if he was involved in some of the altercations. They hide his name long enough after the shooting. I'm not arguing about this going forward until I know the truth.
You are so full of shit, when you backtrack you're just running away from your own bullshti. Here, read what YOU said. Now go read that article and quote EXACTLY where it says anything close to that. And don't give me this shit "more than likely EVERYONE was involved" or "I wouldn't be surprised if he was involved in some of the altercations". In the future, actually read the article before you post it, but more importantly COMPREHEND what it says first. And before you call someone a moron, you really need to make sure that YOU'RE not actually the moron. _
Since the article is a little long for you to read the whole thing, here are the pertinent parts about he alone being fired for habitual physical altercations. Darren Wilson’s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities FERGUSON, Mo. — The small city of Jennings, Mo., had a police department so troubled, and with so much tension between white officers and black residents, that the city council finally decided to disband it. Everyone in the Jennings police department was fired. New officers were brought in to create a credible department from scratch. That was three years ago. One of the officers who worked in that department, and lost his job along with everyone else, was a young man named Darren Wilson. Some of the Jennings officers reapplied for their jobs, but Wilson got a job in the police department in the nearby city of Ferguson. What he found in Jennings, however, was a mainly white department mired in controversy and notorious for its fraught relationship with residents, especially the African American majority. It was not an ideal place to learn how to police. Officials say Wilson kept a clean record without any disciplinary action. All the problems became too much for the city council to bear, and in March 2011 the council voted 6-to-1 to shut down the department and hire St. Louis County to run its police services, putting Lt. Jeff Fuesting in charge as commander. Fuesting, who overlapped for about four months with Wilson during a transitional period, described him as “an average officer.” “My impression is he didn’t go above and beyond, and he didn’t get in any trouble,” Fuesting said. Robert Orr, the former Jennings police chief who retired in 2010, said of Wilson: “He was a good officer with us. There was no disciplinary action.” Stop with the bullshit dude. _
You have a serious reading comprehension issue. How is a department being disbanded and everyone fired in any way similar to a shooting? There is also absolutely no evidence, at all, that Wilson caused any of the issues in Jennings. You are still trying to convict him before we have all the facts I see.
Most people aren't going to do that though. Everyone likes to think they'd be the "hero" and make a stand but most people are going to just try to do their job and not rock the boat. That doesn't mean they were responsible.
IDK if my job is on the line I'm thinking differently but that's me who knows how many officers were involved. Obviously people are thinking one sided and cops can do no wrong.