Haha. I can send you videos of me breaking people's ankles and knees in tournaments. And they trained to compete against me. You're just a wanna be bodybuilder bitch.
I dont care what you have done, you have not gone up against me, you do not know what I am capable of. Nobody beats me, ever.
That tells everything. That's because you don't actually fight. I'm a tough-ass motherfucker, I've fought a lot, I've had my hand raised a lot, but I've been beat a few times also. The best fighters in the world get beat too. You're just a bitch ass internet troll.
Haha. Let me tell you something dude. I've been paid to go overseas and fight people. So I'm not driving 8 hours to beat your ass unless you pay me.
LMAO you need to be paid to fight someone. Ahahahaha, so I suppose when someone is talking shit to your face you just stand there like a beta male?
Lol. I'm a professional. So unless I'm about to be paid to get in a ring or a cage or I believe an imminent fight is about to happen and I need to preemptively act in self defense, I am going to smirk and laugh at you for being a clown.
It's not about what I think, it's about what I know which is that you couldn't fight your way out of a piss soaked paper bag.