These ISIL guys demanded 100 million Euros for Foley...Obviously the precedent has been set once the French I believe paid $10 million each to release 4 hostages a couple years back. Saw on CNN, that apparently $40 million is the highest paid in terrorist hostage ransom
watching the video what amazed me most was how calm Foley was during the entire thing, and no struggle once the savage took hold to proceed with the act. I suppose he was resigned to the fact and was channeling his courage and strength to prepare himself for it. I don't know. no way to even attempt to understand what could be going on in someone's mind with that facing them.
Was that story true about ISIS wanting $132m for his release? What are they smoking in those hookahs? Must be the really good shit. Evidently those drone and air strikes are starting to hurt so they come up with this threat. I doubt seriously if they could ever muster up more than perhaps a burning car or some minor shit from their "sleeper cells" they say are here in the States. Now if ALQ couldn't pull off anything since 9/11/01, takes a lot of chutzpah for these desert roaches to think they can. As far as american hostages being killed, not to sound callous but it comes with the territory. They all signed up for the possibility when they took the ME assignment particularly in hotzones like Syria or Iraq or the WB. Obama needs to continue pounding the shit out of them daily until all the roaches are dead. I see even Turkey isn't bitching about us arming the Kurds although when this is over and done, Northern Iraq will become the defacto state of Kurdistan. Killing hostages is nothing new in ME warfare. Been going on for centuries and will continue to so America? get used to seeing barbarism like this occasionally. This is the kind of enemy we're facing.
on my phone ... someone please post the awesome letter written by one of our veterans