Breaking news on CNN. Fucked up, and now they are threatening to behead Steve Sotloff another captured writer from TIME Magazine pending Obama's reaction to the US's intervening in Iraq. They want our involvement to stop. Apparently video got uploaded to Youtube...They showed both guys
These guys are a joke. Drones alone, no boots on the ground, should be enough to keep them from expanding. Let them kill each other. Aside from Israel, stop funding the Middle East. They will still want to trade oil, at even cheaper prices. The world will never support ISIS, they are camel poop.
I'm literally 5 seconds away from the beheading part of the video after watching the statement from James and the masked ISIS member...Have it on pause. Stomach is churning, I dont know if I should watch this.
Ok I gave in...It helped because I saw it on Liveleak and the comments section helped describe the footage. The ISIS guy is from UK and speaks very good english. The beheading part was more like the guy started to use the knife to slice the head but then they cut the whole video sequence and then they just show a photo of the body on the ground with the head on top of his back. Devastating stuff because they make James say some nonsense about him blaming the US, and his family especially his brother who was in the Air Force. Honestly, I was scared it was going to be a full fledged beheading video but they wanted to show James speak and have this guy speak...This is stupid I know, but the production quality/value on this little video was very high.
The fucking New York Post, I swear this piece of trash newspaper needs to end Front cover of their paper today...
My brother--an ex-Marine fighter pilot--once watched the Daniel Pearl beheading video and immediately called me and said "whatever you do, do not watch that video" in that 'some things once seen cannot be unseen' sort of way. And he is a tough guy. Yeah I don't need to see that video. And that NY Post front page is awful. Sick thing is they were probably giddy in the Editorial Room trying to figure out exactly which frame they were going to use for the cover. _
I have a hard enough time watching injuries. Ever since I saw McGahee's injury at Miami and Tyrone Prothero's(sp?) at Alabama and Shaun Livingtson's injury on the Clippers, I won't watch injuries anymore. I still haven't seen Kevin Ware's or Paul George's. Point is, I can't handle watching guys tear ligaments, nevermind a beheading. I'm of the opinion that we (U.S.) should try to mind our own business until that's no longer possible. ISIS is pissed at us because we aid Iraq, so this is their retaliation. But how do you justify the U.S. not retaliating now, especially when there's supposedly another journalist at the guillotine?
I don't need to watch it to know these Mideast terrorist scumbags are the lowest form of life. Why use diplomacy with any country in that region? It's such a waste of US time and resources. What a waste. I feel awful for the innocent civilians there but sometimes you need to cut your losses for the greater good.
Keep hitting them with drones. This is a ragtag outfit. War will continue in that region of the world until the end of time. There is one nation in the region worth protecting, it's Israel. The only nation I would trust with American weapons or funding. Israel, offers some stability in the region. They would not use weapons or funding against us. They are the last democratic state in the region. If we abandoned the Middle East tomorrow, they would still seek USA as a partner for oil trade. Prices could be reduced, even. ISIS is a poop following that given any battle against the west would fall instantly.
See I'm as sick of war and that region as anyone right now but I think it's necessary to wipe these ISIS fucks out now and I would support an endeavor to do so. I don't think we can just cut our losses in the region and move on from them. These guys are different than the other militant groups we've fought over there. They aren't a largely regional,disorganized chaotic group of terrorists like the Taliban/Al Qaeda were.. They are very organized. They are unique in using the internet and social media to advance their cause, they are seeking to expand and govern themselves as a fundamentalist muslim nation/state. That is very scary as to the potential. Also, I read somewhere that they have something like multiple billion $$ worth of assets. That isn't a drop in the bucket compared the U.S. Government of course but that can go a long ways in the region. Lastly, they are fucking ruthless savages. Al Qaeda's general command broke off for them and one reason is how crazy and brutal they are. When you are too crazy for fucking Al Qaeda you are fucking psychos. They have been expanding into new areas and they offer the locals three options 1) join their cause 2) pay a ridiculous "tax" (basically not an option because it's unrealistic to pay) or 3.) die. -- and they have no problem executing anyone, even if they are fellow muslims. They are fucking crazy and they need to be destroyed. We may have helped create them with some terrible decision making in the region over the years but you have to look ahead and not behind and take them out. Fortunately even some of our enemies in the region think they are crazy and want to take them out, so this could be something we could help each other out with.