Drones. Red Dawn doesn't happen if the Cubans/North Koreans/Martians had drones. Small resistance groups are a thing of the past except maybe in some particularly forested areas of the world. Our answer to organized cadres in Vietnam was to Agent Orange the foliage to the ground. Same thing would happen here. Whenever I hear somebody say that a gun makes them safer from the government I think of Ruby Ridge.
prison is a safe place if you're scared of other people around you having freedom. The constitutional government is already off the tracks my friend.
Or Waco. If they want ya, they're gonna come for ya. A small resistance group would only be possible in a dense urban center, assuming if course that the opposition cares about collateral damage.
http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/08/19/st-louis-officer-shooting/14295137/ Stop robbing convenience stores.
The initial reports stated he did not pull them over for the robbery but after first passing them he then noticed the cigars and backed up. Here is his side, supposedly, as told by a "friend" of Wilson's girlfriend. Of the dozens that supposedly corroborate this version it will be interesting to see how many are from the neighborhood.
Yeah. There are a lot of questions about the event itself. I was more focusing on the aftermath when I was posting because I think the police handled that terribly. I was waiting to go into much detail on this because well we never truely know what happened. This is why I want cameras on officers. It can help protect themselves and the community. Show that there a ton of great cops and when something like this occurs, the police can quickly release a video, make a decision on top of there being an investigation if it suspected the cop did something wrong.
Well San Diego has lapel pin cameras but in 2 officer involved shootings since implementation they have refused to release the footage so there is going to need to be a court case to determine if they are to be considered public record and subject to release. I am sure it helps the investigation but does nothing to ease tensions if they refuse to release them.
Hopefully if all cops start wearing cameras people start to understand that they will be involved in the court case and justice will be served. It's a no brainer for cops to wear them. It's better for the police and the people IMO.
I agree completely about having them wear them. They could easily fund every department by selling the military surplus they have been giving them. Some SWAT teams in larger cities could use some of the armored personnel carriers but I doubt there are terrorists targeting Ferguson Mo. No need for the military equipment there, body armor and make sure the guns are top of the line but that should be all they need.
jaywalking refers to crossing a street in obstruction of traffic. they weren't crossing the street, they were walking down the middle of the street like it was a sidewalk. IMO that is clear anti-social attitude and screams of assholes having the attitude that they can do whatever they please, and would be consistent with the type of attitude you would associate with the claims made against Brown and his behavior that day, not in defense of him.
Once you start shooting, empty the clip until the assailant stops. Two of my brothers were cops and that's always been their mantra. Better that they go home to their wives and kids rather than the morgue. Answer questions later. _
http://www.theroot.com/articles/cul...ess_accounts_of_michael_brown_s_shooting.html Lots of different stories out. These 5 appear to have a consistent story. Links also include an interview with MSNBC. This is getting a little ridiculous.
Is that why he got killed? The cop just pulled over and started shooting because he was walking in the middle of the street? If so, why did he only shoot Brown and not his friend that was with him? Am I missing your sarcasm or are you not even aware you are making a specious argument?
Do you think it's right to shoot someone just because they are Jaywalking? I believe there was some sort of physical confrontation prior to the shooting. We don't know he started it however, some witnesses say the Police officer, some are saying it's Brown.
I should already be dead. Not only did I jaywalk like 10 times, now I'm a certified thug, asshole, and oh I'm anti-social also. Lock me up, throw away the key!