When the moon is full and red, and the river swells pregnant with the spawn of albino trout, and the night birds reach a murderous crescendo, I will arrive at your abode to play Halo, and eat 5 dollar pizza. The way the old gods once were wont to do, in the grey ages.
So we can't even handle the death of one of the all time great comedic actors with dignity and respect on this board. Every thread turns into an insult trading immature argument.
Not sure who did it or why but somebody has conducted a massive campaign to destabilize theganggreen.com (again) that has turned the ability to converse on the board into a joke. It's not a viewpoint that's being promoted, just a never-ending garbage spewing dialogue that inevitably turns hateful and gross before it's run it's course. It took mass-bannings last time to re-establish the board. Not sure what it will take this time or if it is even possible at this point.
Totally agree. I don't post much outside game threads but reading this board has become a real pain. It seems like every day I have to skip through posts more and more just to find something worth reading.
The world lost a great entertainer, one with an incredible skill range....... and from most accounts a very good person. Very sad.....
From yesterday's Daily News: http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/don-robin-darkness-spread-article-1.1901235
Williams in early stages of Parkinson's Disease. http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/14/showbiz/robin-williams-parkinsons-disease/ _
not really following the details of this thread, but dude, was that a weird science reference? major props...