If you had laughed that off or been self deprecating, I would have believed you. But now I think you're one of those IT guys that has action figures decorating his cubicle and gets angry and sullen because he thinks people just don't understand him. You placed a timeframe on it to legitimize yourself. It's almost like you were talking about your model girlfriend in Canada. Kind of works with the rest of your existence here, too. Barcs, you're finally letting us see the real you. Don't fight it. It's a healthy transaction.
No lol He hung himself and when he died, his body weight pulled him down to a seated position. Yeah, toxicology is still being done. Won't be released for a few weeks.
I read somewhere Robin Williams was having money problems. So who to say that not the reason he killed himself.
Who gives a shit what the reason was. The guy was suffering severe depression and was battling some very serious demons. If you don't have something nice to say then keep your mouth shut. You have no clue as to what was going on in his life. Respect the man
O that right you know everything that going on in his life? So if a man kills himself over money then we should all feel sorry for him? I'm sorry that not me and how I think.
No but your making assumptions about something you have no fuckin clue about. As of right now all anyone knows is that he was highly depressed and was in a very bad place. Stop making your dumbass assumptions before knowing any facts.
The only one making "assumptions" is you. Your the one saying he killed himself because of depression. Show me where I said he killed himself over money? I just said I read he was having money problems.
Lmao You just said "so if a man kills himself because of money we should feel sorry for him? That's not me" You're insinuating that he killed himself because of money. And I'm not making any assumptions. I'm basing my comments on the current reports released. He was diagnosed with severe depression last year and checked himself back into therapy a little over a month ago. All reports lead to his depression being the cause of his suicide. And if you decided to read more on this subject you would see that Williams was nowhere near broke. He made over $4 million from his series he had and was set to make a ton more with over four movies he had lined up. Just because he made comments in the past about not being able to afford a $24 million ranch does not mean he was broke. His best friends are reporting he was far from broke.
Yes I said IF a man kills himself over money. I never said he killed himself over money. All I was saying there could be another reason I don't know like the rest of us don't.
Yes I said IF a man kills himself over money. I never said he killed himself over money. All I was saying there could be another reason I don't know like the rest of us don't.
So then what's your dumbass reasoning for saying that you don't feel bad for him? If you are claiming you are not sure why he did it, then why did you make a comment saying you feel bad for his family but not for him?
I'm waiting to see what the real reason maybe. http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/robin-williams-looked-terrible-tormented-4042507
And I can show you countless articles from friends, family, and Co workers that show the article you posted is complete bullshit. In fact his wife said all he loved to do was act until he could no longer walk. He lived for acting and being on stage. I'll trust his wife.
But this all resorts back to your bullshit. Because the guy had money issues and fell into severe depression you don't feel bad for him? Why is that? Give me one good reason why you should not feel bad for a guy battling severe depression no matter what the reason is?
My whole point is IF he killed himself over money I don't feel for him. Because that no reason to kill yourself IMO. You call it bullshit and that cool your allowed to have your opinion.
He didn't kill himself over money. He killed himself because of depression that could have been caused partially by money. Again, a guy ending his life because of severe depression is not someone you don't feel for.
O yeah family and friends won't lie to cover up shit like that. We both don't know why he killed himself and maybe his family and friends may not know either.