Idzik spot on..sorry those who disagree

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by nevbeats319, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Then Revis leaves and we don't have either. And we're $16M poorer. Brilliant!!!
  2. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    I hope you are absolutely right but I doubt it. Patterson cannot hold up his pants nor the fort and Milliner can be as diligent as he wants in rehab, I don't think he will put his carreer at risk coming back sooner than later. I agree one player down is not tragic, but it is the positional void we find ourself in. Opposing teams game plan on the other teams weaknesses and as we all observed last Thursday, Patterson and Milliner got beat repeatedly for TDs or long gains.....and this was with Milliner healthy. How do you "mask that" now?? If we continuously pass rush you will get beat by draws and screen plays. We need to scramble for a decent player because the depth at this position is just not there.
    Big Blocker likes this.
  3. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Best post ever Toon, but all the logic in the world cannot get the TGG to take off the rose colored glasses and admit JI and staff are far from infallible in their decisions and indecisiveness when it comes to using your cash/pulling the trigger.
  4. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Apparently your "real job" keeps you from watching preseason games or even trying to find out what happened in them after the fact.

    It's like you don't even follow this team.

    At all.

  5. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    Milliner? I sure as hell didn't 'observe' that. What are you, some kinda quack?
  6. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I think what we are all observing is a troll finally running out of the ability to fool people. I mean, his first 3 posts (his post history isn't that long, take a look) were about Ryan Spadola. Ryan FUCKING Spadola. Actually, his first post ever was one of frustration that the Jets weren't playing Spadola (a recent cut from the Phins) against the Patriots. His next 2 posts were about the Jets not playing Spadola against the Bills. Then he disappeared for almost a year. 3 posts about Spadola, then gone for almost a year.

    Why would a really avid Jets fan sign up just to talk about a guy that just got released by Miami?
  7. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    dont pick and choose the post....I said some GMS that leave a team shorthanded with money to spend could lose their jobs...I also said thats not the case for Idzik...but it shows what a dumb move it was.

    And correct me if Im wrong but what are you talking about carrying over? If you have 22 million to spend and you spend 10 million on a 1 year contract..that means you get the whole thing back next year no? Signing Revis...and IM using Revis as an a 1 year contract would do NOTHING to the cap for next year..not a thing. The only thing it would have done is given Woody 10 million more to spend on himself this year...thats it.

    I dont get your post. If you sign a guy to a 1 year does the clog up anything for next year? Explain that to me because Im lost.

    The Jets could have spent over 20 million this year on 1 year gambles...1 year of rolling the dice...and it would mean nothing next year. It cant be defended.

    If you took that money and tied it up to several players over 3 or 4 years...I get it...but defending Idzik for not using more of the cap money for 1 year contracts?

    As far as my argument being absurd? You sound like its your money...1 year contract for Revis...explain to me how that would hurt the team next year..and lets see whos absurd.

    and go bark up another tree. Read my entire post...I said Idzik has done some very good things...but leaving 22 million on the table this year with a great front 4...solid linebackers...and several dbs that are horrible is plain flat out stupid..and pretty stupid to defend. If you want to look at Idziks total painting, at least be honest when he fucks up...and he fucked up.
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  8. deeznuts21

    deeznuts21 Member

    Apr 16, 2010
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    Wow .. The Panic Button / Off With Idziks Head Button has been pushed After just 1 Preseason Game and a few injuries ??!! FFS .. This CB situation has also become tiresome .. Not to be a homer but crap .. We have had great defenses with poor or platoon players at that position! Also AGAIN .. It cannot get worse than our play at that position last year!!! I will hands down take great play upfront and at the way back. Forget about Dimitri Patterson but instead let our Front 7 and Safeties hold down the fort!!! Did We forget we are rebuilding .. Making the playoffs to me is a luxury and am willing to accept it if we do not this year. Of course I want our team to be a part of it but I am glad we are not throwing Mad Loot around before we really know what we have after another FULL season. As other posters have taken the words out of my mouth, I'm glad we didn't shell out the cash this year. Let's see how the draft picks and competition for the position pan out , resigning our core , another draft, before we make some signings to fill the holes. Once we can do that we would be annual contenders and in a position where a poster nicely put it .. To be able to sign a few vets until our pics are ready to start. I also want to bet anyone that even if we go 7-9 Rex will still be the coach for the 2015-2016 season!!!
  9. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Jesus Christ this a Jets forum? Since when did the GM become hands off wearing the red shirt in practice?

    Most people are not killing him overall yet...but this draft with all the receivers that will probably be in arena football in the next couple years...and his handling of the DB position...I mean christ....we are not allowed to go after the GM?

    I think he has done a solid job in some areas...and has shown that he is probably a bit better at the cap then evaluations at this point in his career. Is that really killing the guy?
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  10. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I didn't pick and choose your post. I responded to each of your points one at a time.

    Maybe you aren't aware of the salary cap rules. You are allowed to carry over salary from the previous year and add it to next year's cap. That's how the Broncos got Peyton and how other teams have stocked up talent in a single year. It's smart.

    You may want to read that article, as it outlines why spending up to the cap is not always the best plan. So yes, you sign Revis to a $12m deal, that's $12m less we can carry over which means it is 12m less we can spend next year as a result. It's basic math.

    Dude I thoroughly dissected your post. Read my article above, and you'll see why it's worth it to carry the money over, rather than spend it, especially if Geno Smith and the offense significantly improve over last year. If that happens, then we'll have TONS of money to spend next year to secure our important players longterm and add that extra piece that could put us over the edge. To spend to the cap immediately following an 8-8 season where your QB and offense as a whole was ranked among the worst in the league, is stupid. Geno's only going into year 2. If he pans out, we can REALLY hook him up with weapons next year. If he doesn't we have money to spend on potentially another QB. More money next year is more important than more money this year.

    Now if the Jets shock the world and win the division and just barely miss the superbowl, THEN you can blame Idzik for not adding that extra player because he would have greatly underrated our talent saving money for next year when it could win us a superbowl this year. Obviously that's a very unlikely scenario. We don't even know if Geno is THAT guy yet.
    #90 Barcs, Aug 14, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2014
    deeznuts21 likes this.
  11. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Idzik is certainly not hands off, his decisions are mostly up in the air at this point.

    Some appear to be failing, like his approach to the corner position. GM isn't a standalone job, though. This may be the real power struggle between Idzik and Rex. Everyone knows Rex would have run through the doors of Headquarters Florham Park to welcome Revis back into the fold. Rex loves defensive backs, and would love a lockdown right now to compliment the defensive line. Doesn't mean his defense can't work without a shutdown, far from it, but that seems to be his vision.

    Rex is win now. Idzik's mantra so far is to build a contender for years, which sounds nice, but in these early stages it is hard to appreciate, since it is far from a sure thing.

    The cap number keeps rearing it's head to fans that want instant success, 20 million, burning a motherfucking hole in our simulated pockets. It's very apparent that Idzik wants to save this money for a rainy day when his team is ready for some brutal mud football, and it's also becoming apparent that Rex is fast becoming scared of rain.

    Is it bad to want to see Idzik's plan to come to fruition? No, but it's something that many fans who are tired of the prick tease Rex has offered in his early Jets years are not willing to accept, especially after the past 40 plus years, and then there are the Too Cool For School fans that think they know the quick and lasting formula for success that is spend now and draft who I like.

    Jay, Idzik is going to put us to sleep for a couple of years with the approach that he is intent upon taking, I'm not looking forward to the nap, I just hope to wake up and see a contender on the other side. I also hope that we don't go through two coaching changes to find out that he's not compatible with football minds.

    He's not beyond reproach, but being angry about how slow a caterpillar crawls a branch is a waste, you just have to hope it's going to be a butterfly and not some predictable gray moth that bounces off a lightbulb all night.

    Too many metaphors for one night?
  12. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    So let's look at Idziks moves so far in his first two years during free agency and draft

    Kellen Winslow-Looked like a decent move early on ,suspended for peds,goes on to jerk off in a Walmart parking lot

    Mike Goodson-Caught with gun and weed then put on ir,never showed up to camp this year and got cut

    Willie Colon-A penalty machine but a solid move

    David Nelson-Good move if he can stay healthy

    Dwan Landry-Solid depth move

    Ed Reed-Signed late in season ,he made some plays but was to old

    Josh Cribbs-Looked decent at times,put on IR

    Antwan Barnes-good move until he was put on ir by week 4

    Brian Winters-Drafted in the third round ,then put on IR

    David Garrard-Signed to be our legit backup until he was put on IR before season started

    Chris Ivory-Good trade

    Sheldon Richardson-Drafted I'm the first round in the Revis trade,Looks like its gonna work out

    Dee Millner-Drafted in the first round had a brutal first season until the last few weeks,if he stays healthy we will find out if he is a good pick or not

    Geno Smith-Drafted in the second round,had a shit first year but got better

    Calvin Pryor-Drafted in the first round,jury is still out but I have high hopes

    Jace Amaro-Drafted in the second round,jurys still out

    Chris Johnson-Signed this offseason we are all hoping to see him return to form,keyword " hoping"

    Mike Vick-Will likely never see the field unless Geno is hurt or brutal to watch

    Eric Decker-A solid signing but him alone won't be enough to make our WR core legit

    Dexter Mcdougle-Drafted in third round,put on IR

    Dimitri Patterson-All the cap space we had and this is our answer?early returns don't look good.Hopefully he shows a better performance Saturday .This guy can go on IR at any given moment

    Beno Guacomoli-Signed to replace Austin Howard,Jurys still out on this move

    Jacoby Ford-Not sure why we signed him and don't think he will make any kind of impact

    Jason Babin-Solid depth

    So there it is let me know if i left anyone out
  13. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    Let's be reasonable here - Patterson wasn't the guy they targeted in FA. They thought they had Davis til Indy chucked cash at him in a fit of desperation, then they had a look at DRC and didn't think he was worth the money he asked for. Now maybe they misjudged the market and we'll see those guys perform at a level that justifies the deals they signed, but Idzik clearly intends to stand or fall on his own philosophy and not on panic or desperation maneuvers. Ultimately he gets judged on the team's results, not on what the depth chart looks like on paper in mid-August.
  14. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    As I have long stated here, the Jets did not even try to negotiate with Revis. If they had, they might well have been able to retain him with an acceptable deal.

    Even paying for that, I would rather have Revis than Milliner.
  15. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Non-moves were not limited to those mentioned. Idzik also let Cromartie go, and word is he's having a very good camp with the Cards.
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  16. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    So you'd rather have Revis for one re-hab year than Milliner for 6? The cost is the same.
  17. All Gas No Shake

    All Gas No Shake Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    rex did have good cb play early in his tenure as dc, but by '07-'08 mcalister and rolle were injured and pretty much washed up ... the ravens still had very good defenses
  18. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    You tend to assume a great deal.
  19. dmw

    dmw Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    LOL - If Manesh was GM, he would have signed CBs that would never get injured b/c he's so smart.
  20. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    It's true you have long stated that. It's also true that it's strictly conjecture.
    #100 Ralebird, Aug 14, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2014

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