You don't know how much I wanted Nagle to be "the guy". We were visiting friends down in DC and we watched that game in the Peach Dome and I was like "we're DONE!" And I remember Parcells was doing the commentary and he said "let's not be putting him in Canton just yet". Dammit. _
This fan base does not have the patience to allow a young QB to develop. If he is not putting up fantasy numbers right out the gate or soon there after, they'll be running him out of town. Geno more than likely has the same fate ahead of him as those before him. I've read this book before; it's not a happy ending. Same shit different decades.
I was in Buffalo years later for work and the guys were like "Hey there is an arena football team here. Let's get drunk and check it out, what else is there to do in Buffalo???" So there I am hammered and they are announcing the starting lineups... "and now your QB - Browning Nagle" I shook my head, and was like what kind of cruel joke is this?????
Ooof. I remember reading an article about him years later, but I was derailed by the fam photo of him and his wife. Wowza. _
Sanchez should not have been inserted. That was poor coaching. I love Rex but that was stupid. I mean come on. The shit would have played out during the season. No need to to put him in with the refuse. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Rex didn't change the story. That was the story the entire time. Anyone and everyone HAD to see that Sanchez was put in because no QB stepped up yet. the job wasn't won by anybody. It was the 3rd and last preseason games for starters and for them to decide the job...they needed more from either QB. It was the only thing Rex could possibly do or else the decision would have been made blindly and without much evidence to support the starter. What DID change was Rex's excuse to the reporters...but he doesn't owe a dime to them...they tried to hang Rex no matter what he said. Rex was allowed to say anything he wanted and at the time the CONVENIENT thing to say was "We wanted to win." Which wasn't a just wasn't the underlying motivation for putting Sanchez back in....Winning was a byproduct.
Exactly. Rex never said that wanting to win was the reason for playing Sanchez. That year beat writers and reporters were attacking Rex like crazy. Every week they badgered him about naming a starting QB but he refused to do it and they all hated it. They all wanted a huge controversy and if it wasn't there, they made one up. Rex wasn't naming a starting QB because they obviously hadn't determined it yet. Sanchez was coming off a terrible year and needed to prove he could take that next step. That 4th quarter Giants game was that chance. Claiming that Sanchez won the job was complete BS. He didn't do anything to prove he wasn't that same turnover machine guy. The haters and beat writers crucified Rex for this but it was silly and unjustified. People act like Sanchez was a good or even average QB. He wasn't. He was a bottom of the league QB every year here. It's not like putting Peyton friggin Manning in a 4th quarter preseason game.
Regardless of what's the real or not real reason it still remains that it was an idiotic decision. Let's say this latest version of the story is the real one. What are the likely outcomes? a. He plays well, but it means nothing as it's against 3rd string, future practice squad and/or Walmart employees. b. He plays average or poorly. It still means nothing as Geno did the same. c. You get your back-up QB, at minimum, hurt. All answers lead to STUPID.
Haters gonna hate. Lmao at walmart employees. Guaranteed those walmart players are 1000 times better than you. That must make you a ditch digger. It was obviously about geno. We saw him commit 3 tos. If sanchez did the same the job would have been genos
If Sanchez had played would have sealed him being the starter. Even against the 3rd would have been more than Geno showed the entire preseason. With the 3rd stringers...he also has a 3rd string offensive line protecting him, with 3rd string receivers... ...It wouldn't have meant much if he played well...but it didn't need to. It would have been at least evidence to support his case for the starting job. Like I said...if he doesn't put sanchez in...he had to decide a starting QB blindly (a real unprofessional move). I mean...what were the chances Sanchez would get hurt. The guy had missed 1 game previous to that. I don't blame was just unfortunate.
Who's hating? I love Rex. My love for Rex had me try to justify it 100 different ways and I can't. Even if Geno had handedly won job up until that point, it would have been dumb. Putting your back-up QB and only QB on the roster w/ NFL starting experience in the 4th quarter of the 3rd pre-season game is an amateur move IMO. You are entitled to yours though. Completely lost me with the ditch digger comment. So because they are 1000 x better than me in football the assumption is they would be 1000 x better than me in life. Is that it? BTW ditch digging is not a bad gig. Don't knock it until you try it. I'm not sure how anyone can accurately evaluate a QB playing with guys he's probably never played with and would probably not even make the team. The only people I've come across that actual thought this was anything less but a bonehead move by Rex have been unabashed Sanchez haters.
So putting Sanchez in the 4th quarter of a meaningless pre-season game playing with and against players on the bubble of making an NFL roster would provide Rex a sense of what he had in Sanchez because 4 regular seasons, 2 AFCCG runs, 5 mini and training camps was not enough in order for him to make a "professional" decision between he and Geno? If you believe that, I got a bridge I want to sell you.
The game was meaningless, no one is arguing that. His play wouldn't have been totally meaningless. And no it wouldn't have been...because Idzik was REALLY pushing for Geno. I'm not personally telling you that wouldn't have been enough. (it would have been FOR ME)...that's not how the the Jets saw it. I'm only telling you what Rex said. In his presser he said neither QB did enough to win the job in his eyes.
I'm so tired of this discussion but the only thing I'd like to add is if Rex had not seen enough from Sanchez, if he REALLY needed to see more from him to determine whether he was worthy of being the starter, then why did he have Sanchez wearing a baseball cap, did not having him warming up, in fact had Sims with the helmet on and fully warmed up? Sanchez looked like he had no idea it was even contemplated he was getting into that game at that point. If you're planning on seeing what your potential starting QB has to show in the game, you get your OC to get him ready, warmed up and a set of plays he's going to run. You don't have him on the sideline in a baseball cap. Rex just needed to address what Sanchez said earlier in the week. I love Rex but he's full of shit with this explanation. _