Ebola only spreads through direct contact with bodily fluids, it does not spread through the air. And you are not infectious during the asymptomatic period. Therefore, if you see someone who looks very obviously ill, don't touch their blood, vomit, or diarrhea and you're all set. In the parts of Africa where it's spreading, there is a lack of awareness about ebola (and the concept of viruses in general) and funeral rites involve touching the loved ones' bodies, which are covered in bloody sores in the case of those who die from ebola. That's why it's spreading in small regions of Africa, and that's why it won't spread in America.
Just to reinforce the point that Jets Esq. made above: the Ebola virus is not transmissible until the person who is infected is showing symptoms of the disease. Even then it is not easily transmissible. This is because a person showing symptoms of the disease is not particularly interested in having contact with another person. It takes the other person reaching out to make the transmission in most cases and most transmissions are too family members or health care workers caring for the patient. Just imagine yourself with a really crappy flu and what your normal reaction is: crawl into bed and sleep for a few days. That's how Ebola victims feel during the onset of the disease.
Ebola is actually not an easily spread virus, there are ways to spread it with aerosol initially, but it still relies on close contact to continue.
Bahahaha! I knew I'd ruffle some feathers with that. I don't listen to liberal anything. I'm saying that it is a hypocritical position to support the war on terror but at the same time say that terrorists are growing. What the fuck is the purpose of the war aside from eliminating terrorism? If our presence is creating more terrorists, logic would say that we should have never gone there in the first place and shouldn't be there now. It ain't working, so it would ultimately prove that the last decade plus of killing folks in the middle east has been for naught. I believe in planet earth, not just America. Every action has a reaction. What "we" did in the past affects what is happening today, so yeah it's relevant. I know that seems shocking to somebody that thinks an American's life is more valuable than any other life and who actively uses the emotions of fear and pessimism to justify his opinions, but that's just the way it is. Posting opinions on the internet is "handling real life?" Oh yeah that picture TOTALLY proves we are being invaded by hostile forces for takeover. in·va·sion inˈvāZHən/ noun an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force. Illegals hopping the border is not an invasion. That is Rich Cimini style sensationalism. WTF, you just called me a bigot over an opinion? LMAO! NSN was the one talking about the increase of terrorist groups. I'm more libertarian than anything. I think Liberals and Conservatives both suck for the most part and don't like Obama. But again, to deny the fear mongering of the majority of conservatives is downright silly. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/...litical-views-hard-wired-into-your-brain.html I think this study explains both darksiders and conservatives in a single swoop. I wonder how many Darksiders on this site are also conservative. I bet the vast majority. Anyways there's more than one way to view a situation. "OMG there's an invasion going on" is something Rush Limbaugh would say.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/...litical-views-hard-wired-into-your-brain.html Does the study explain why Ebola is scary?
you are the only one who mentioned the war on terror. I guess that's your special way of responding to me stating the fact that the world is full of people who want to kill Americans.
Your quote: "there is a growing population of people in this world who would love nothing more than to kill Americans" You said that the terrorists are growing. I didn't make that up. Is it really growing? If so, it brings the war on terror's effectiveness into question.
You're either more clueless than I thought or an alternate soxxxxxx account. either way I've wasted enough time.
http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/08/0...ke-symptoms-hospital-says.html?_r=0&referrer= Most likely not Ebola in NYC but sweet dreams anyway.
"Love nothing more than to kill" Exact quote. It's one thing to kinda like the idea, but to get more joy out of it than from your family and loved ones? Yeah I don't think so, Jim. That pretty much guarantees that you are a terrorist. NSN loves to play the technicality lawyer role on me, but when I do it back to him he can't handle it. Hilarious. I wonder if he has proof that the amount of "people who want to kill Americans" are growing. Hell, maybe I'm wrong.