They misplaced 6 vial of smallpox. It's not a huge leap from there to people losing there lives. I don't believe that these highly trained professionals are incompetent, accidents happen. Why take the risk with a person known to be infected with Ebola.
They need the patient here to treat and then have a sample to weaponize. I am sure they already have a weaponized sample but it never hurts to have back up.
No governmental body will try to weaponize Ebola. That's one of the very few scenarios where you wind up with a wildfire infection and enough hosts to allow the virus to mutate into something that can survive in the population over time. We imagine that government agencies are willing to do just about anything from a bio-weapons standpoint but they're not. The level of review required to start a program like this would guarantee that it never got off the ground.
Russia has had weaponized Ebola since 1992. You're talking about the folks who think you don't need any backup mechanisms for nuclear power plants. Folks who give the authority to launch ICBM nuclear missiles to drunk 25 year olds. They're not worried about an ebola screwup.
I'm not sure I believe the last half of that list. "Believed to be" doesn't sound right given the time period was more than 20 years ago. Ebolapox and Veepox sound like hallucinations from the collective angst of the internet. Bioweapons research definitely goes on in many places in the world but weaponizing a low infection/high mortality bug like Ebola doesn't sound like the best plan of action. What you want to weaponize is something that spreads easily, like Smallpox, and for which you have some hope of immunizing your population against before you use it. Anything that gets used in the field in warfare will find it's way back to the people that use it very quickly. If it's not a natural return it certainly will eventually be an unnatural one when your adversaries reverse engineer your virus and use it against you.
I know we have viruses here & stuff, but they are probably highly controlled like... STAND, OUTBREAK, etc... Having said that, when I heard they were bring these infected people here, I just could not believe it. Its so fucking stupid...
There's nothing to be concerned with at all - they stopped at tractor supply and found a safe way to transport them.
Dumbest shit I ever saw, then driving in an ambulance with no protection or escort... Doctors admit they cant do anything more here, that they can there... Dumb, dumb, dummmmmb
What exactly do you think could have happened to an unescorted ambulance that would have caused a problem? If you want to worry then worry about whether somebody has misappropriated the virus in West Africa, where security is lax, governments are weak and the media is almost non-existent from a western standard.
I'm not a terrorist, I leave that job to terrorists. They think up neat stuff like toothpick bombs, I just work here
Yep...almost as crazy as 19 guys with boxcutters taking out 3 of the most iconic buildings.,,,oh...nevermind...
I don't consider Stephen King a reliable prognosticator of apocalyptic futures. He's an entertaining writer but The Apocalypse is going to be extremely boring after the momentary adrenalin rush we all may get or not get depending on the way we go out. BTW, by "we" I mean humanity not the people reading this thread. The timescale for extinction events is measured in millions of years. The odds we get a quick one out during our lifetime are about the same odds that the Powerball builds to fifty billion dollars before somebody wins it all.