Man check out the baroque brain on Brad! Such creative scenarios at 8:30 in the a.m. : ) Barcs, what if you're 69'ing with your woman (you're on the bottom) and she blows a labia-flappin' tuba blast of a pussy fart square in your glazed doughnut of a face. Does your mysogynistic streak get the better of your and you give her vag some "Barc-blowback" in return and by doing so endanger her health with a potentially life-threatening embolism or, do you continue to have lunch… a proper gentleman? Hint: the answer my friend, is not blowin' in the woman… That wording really sums it up succinctly, well phrased Abyz. Ok Barcs, using Byz's example above: let's say you got the crazed, child-beating mom face down in a double shoulder lock (double nelson) and 'mom' happened to have a great, protruding, callipygian ass: as you're lying prone with your legs straddling hers and your man-tool pressed up against her taut, shaply backside, do you keep up the pressure with your double nelson to show her you really mean business--and she best not move--or do you maintain your double nelson just 'light' enough so as to tempt her to squirm and move her ass against you in a (easily denied) attempt to break free of your hold so as to cop a free dry hump a la frottage? What would you do there Ghandi? i dunno where the fuq i'm goin' with this ….
That is essentially the argument, though few have admitted it. What would you do if you caught some dude trying to molest your kid? You'd beat the shit out of him no? What if it was a woman? I'd say she's still worthy of catching a beat down. Men and women both have potential to do fucked up things and sometimes you get clocked for it. It's easy to just simplify and say, "well hell, she's a woman and you NEVER hit a woman", but that's a sexist viewpoint. To me the standards are equal for both. I try to avoid fights whenever possible, but I'm not going to spare somebody simply because they have a snatch. You cross me in a bad enough way, you get crossed (as in right crossed).
What if the women molesting your child were a transgender albino pygmy with a wooden leg and bowling pin tits? It's not as crazy as it seems. _
The scenarios you offer are punishable by death on the street no matter the gender. But this isn't about the extreme offenses, this is about the marginal ones.
But you can't rationalize battering a woman if you don't propose extreme offenses. We've gone from a drunken woman spitting on her fiancé after a lovers spat. To a woman molesting a child. This passes for reasoned discourse to today's youth. _
Yep. But what if she slashed my tires while wearing a strap-on that was plugged into the esophagus of a kitten, a kitten which was stuffed into the anus of a newborn baby? I'd totally beat her ass.
Fatal Attraction. Misery. It's all I could come up with. ~ Seriously though. Rage, anger and fear. These are common elements in abuse. The most common or cause for the other two is fear. What makes you fear and how you let those fears affect you are important to realize about ones self. The minute you 'Lose it' you have failed and must realize it immediately. And be honest with yourself and accept that reality. People allow themselves to succumb to fits of anger and rage and let it control them. Identify, recognize and flee. There is no shame in leaving. After the hot blood settles down clearer heads prevail. But beware of the troublesome woman. The one who likes to push your buttons. It is not enough that you went to the other room. Or the garage. She will seek you out. She will sass you. Mock you and even assail you. Corner you. Identify the threat, recognize the warning signs and flee. And then ask yourself why your even with a person that would do that to you. If you stay beyond reason you will find yourself having to apologize and or suffer physically and mentally. If you are touching up a woman because she embarrassed you or because she did something you did not like? Or her motor mouth offended you or your kin? You have bigger problems my friend. Find a group.
This question is retarded. Women are like floor tile. If you lay them right the first can walk all over them For the rest of your life. If you don't...that's on
See..we're the only real men here.... Came home...she said...I need you to make me feel like a real woman..i grabbed her by the hand...dragged her up to the bedroom...tore her clothes off...then took off my sweaty t shirt...and said... Iron this.
Raise your hand if you believe that when Hobbes gets home at night his fat and psychopathic wife will thrash him within inches of his life.