In self defense of deadly force? Or if she were, to say, spit on you? Or maybe look at you with contempt. Or purposefully not make the sammich the way you like it. You know, real ass disrespect. _
Women can expect to attack a man without getting attacked back though. And just because there are piece of shit women that take advantage of that expectation doesn't excuse the piece of shit guys that will actually do it.
Yup. No one has excused the woman's actions in either of these two threads. But posters here have excused, condoned, encouraged the piece of shit guys to retaliate. I can't believe in 2014 someone is suggesting the back of the hand is ok. Pieces of shit right here on TGG. _
I can usually see both sides of an argument even if I don't agree with it but the nonsense I've seen in here and the other thread don't even make any sense. If the idea is that spitting on/slapping/whatever someone is such a heinous act how is lowering yourself to that persons level and doing the same thing to them the solution? Our society and our laws just don't work that way(except when your life is being threatened, obviously)
American women have been striving for equal treatment for careful what you wish for, ladies.
Why should they expect to assault a man without being attacked back? Is it because men are stronger? If so, that reasoning is piss poor. Does that mean I should be able to go smack a professional body builder in the face without fearing any repercussions? Afterall, he's much stronger than me. Like I said, equal rights. Neither should hit either, but if one does, they face the consequence of their action. Men are stronger, yes, so don't hit them. By disagreeing with this you are essentially saying that women are inferior to men, and deserve special treatment, and I do not believe this to be the case. It's 2014. Men and women are equal and should be treated equally.
Treating people equally and pretending that everyone is exactly the same are not even close to the same thing. Also, no one has advocated women to be allowed to hit men without repercussions, all I'm saying is that those repercussions shouldn't involve the man hitting her back. If you see somebody rob your house do you feel entitled to go rob their house or do you call the cops?
Okay fine. So if I smack a body builder in the face he has no right to hit me back and I shouldn't expect him to... unless of course you are suggesting that me & bodybuilder are exactly the same.
I thought you were smacking polar bears in the face? Oh you edited out that idiotic and irrelevant example. It's a shame you didn't apply that judgement and self awareness when you decided to champion the cause of punching women in the face.
Long and short of it NO....... of course I would only fight another man if I had no other options for whatever reason.
LMAO. Nice non sequitur. Please find any single post of mine ever that championed punching women in the face. This is why I can't have honest discussions with folks on this site. Everyone says the politically correct thing, while I don't and therefor get insulted and pigeonholed into a something as absurd as your last sentence. I'm sorry that my opinion upsets you but please keep your emotions in check. It's very simple actually: Am I exactly the same as a bodybuilder? (based on YOUR argument of treating people equally vs treating them exactly the same) Should I not expect a body builder to hit me back if I smack him in the face? Why or why not? If I went up to a bodybuilder and smacked him in the face, would he be a piece of shit for hitting me back? If not, then why with a woman? 3 simple questions. I'm personally just tired of so many people suggesting women are inferior to men. It shouldn't be "you never hit a woman." It should be "you never hit a human."
It's never acceptable to hit anybody except in self-defense (outside of a few organized sports). In that light, no, it's not acceptable to hit a woman unless you fear for your life/physical safety or for somebody else's. If you think about it once you fear for your physical safety all the self-defense barriers come down. Who knows what somebody who represents an assault threat will do?
This is pretty rich coming from the only guy in the thread that has seriously said its okay to hit anyone. Oh but only if they touch you first, then hitting is good. Maybe the reason you're unable to have "honest" discussions is because you're a fucking idiot that can't even keep his own bullshit straight from post to post.
LMAO. This is like arguing with Stokes, you just completely miss the point every time and ignore EVERY COUNTERPOINT I MAKE. Your argument has essentially been reduced to "you're an idiot". You don't like my opinion, I get that, but you're acting like a child about it. Either debate my points or agree to disagree and move on. It ain't that difficult. Personal insults do not prove me wrong, they prove you are upset. You obviously did not read all of my posts in this thread, I clearly said multiple times that every situation is different but there ARE times when it is acceptable, for example if she is attacking you. You can't always predict human behavior to know if you are in danger, but to suggest slapping a woman is any worse than slapping a man is flat out sexist. I also very clearly said that a woman slapping you does not justify beating the shit out of her and her spitting on you does not justify hitting her. But if she is persistent and she keeps assaulting you, you have every right to defend yourself by hitting her back. I never anywhere suggested it was alright to hit anybody first, but if you do and don't expect some kind of retaliation, then you are a complete moron, regardless of age sex race height hair color gender and sexuality. I'm sorry that my opinion is controversial, but I'm only being real. Stop acting like all situations are black and white. They aren't.
I know we do not have a large response yet but I must say I am surprised we already have 4 yes answers, I was hoping the yes answers would be in the 1-2% range. Of course I personally included a link to this poll in another thread to 2 of the yes answers. This thread is about if you would hit a woman for a minor transgression, spit or slap, so please lets not take it off course with a lot of postulating that does not relate.
You are really all over the place but right before you voted I clearly explained to you the situation was the woman slaps you and you have the option to walk away. You chose that you would slap her so your choice was a yes. You say you are non-violent and refuse to fight most people but you would slap a woman for slapping you. That does not sound non-violent. Also if you have the chance to walk away but slap instead that is not self defense that is retaliation.
why do you always play the victim when you post? also- why are your posts always a giant block of text. I don't really know your opinion on this matter or much of anything really because I get through 3 sentences of crying/sarcasm and by the time you get close to your point my eyes hurt from reading it all jumbled together and I ignore the rest.
Barcs isn't the hero women's rights deserves but the one it needs right now. Let's take a moment to listen to and reflect on the Rosa Parks of his movement: 20 years later and we're still not there. Keep on keeping it real, Barcs
You can't argue with me because every one of your counterpoints is idiotic. We're not talking about you slapping a bodybuilder. We're not talking about whether or not you are equal to a bodybuilder. We're talking about you punching and knocking a woman out because of the transgression of being spat on. Or physically hitting a woman for being slapped. Full stop. You find it morally and socially acceptable, reasonable, expected that YOU can punch a woman and knock her out if she spat on you. You find it morally and socially acceptable, reasonable, expected that YOU can give a woman "the back of the hand" if she slaps you. That's YOU. That's the very definition of a piece of shit. Everything else you try to use to rationalize your being a piece of shit is bullshit. _