Yeah, Alex Jones is always a fun way to discredit anything you don't want to believe. He's probably a government shill, but good voice.
I'm getting back on this name: ISIS. Not only did supposed Islamic militants name their movement in a hated western dialect, they also used an acronym that spells the name of a goddess of a different religion. Am I the only one that finds this hysterical?
Just because you admitted your argument contradicts your old one, doesn't mean it's suddenly a legitimate viewpoint. Jesus coming along and "negating all that shit" means squat because it is still part of your holy scriptures. If Jesus negated that shit, why are OT readings still done in the church? Why is the outdated absurd scientifically invalid creation story and great flood myth still peddled as truth by the christian fundamentalists? Jews very much used to follow the laws of the bible and have used it to justify the stoning of people to death and far worse. What kind of joke of an argument is that? The old testament specifically says to kill anybody that goes against Israel and many Jews today in Israel believe it is justified to bomb a school or hospital because a terrorist shoots a rocket from that area and then runs. Is that NOT terrorism? They are trying to get Hamas to stop with pure fear for the children's lives. It's piss poor logic that leads to very little terrorist deaths, and tons of innocent causalities. It exists, whether you pretend it doesn't or not. Religious extremists exists in every religion. So yeah, you do see Jews doing that shit, you just don't read about it in the news because our news is pro Israel 1000% and it wouldn't fit the agenda. It's actually absurd how bad our media is in regards to this conflict. Even just watching BBC news, it's like night and day for this conflict, even though they are pretty shitty at times. People think the American media is the be all end all of facts. They aren't. They are one of the worst in the world. Sure Islam is currently at the top of the violence list, but Christianity and Judaism have both been there and acting like neither one has ever committed atrocities like that in their history is pretty ignorant of history in general. But wait, it's just people right? It's not religion! Oh wait, that argument doesn't apply anymore!
you took something I said and twisted it out of context of the argument to serve your own argumentative purpose, I understand fine Not asking you to do my research, it's front page news this is just the latest shit; "When U.S. troops invaded Iraq in 2003, there were at least 1.5 million Christians in Iraq. Over the last ten years, significantly in the last few months with the emergence of ISIS, that figure has dropped to about 400,000. In a region where Christians predate Muslims by centuries, over one million Christians have been killed or have had to flee because of jihadi persecution, while America is basically standing by and watching. This is the sad news that Breitbart’s National Security Editor and one of the world’s leading experts on asymmetric warfare, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, brought to Breitbart News Saturday, hosted by Editor in Chief Alex Marlow on Sirius XM Patriot Radio." Full article
Yes, there are. There are over 6 million Christians in Egypt, about 2 million in Syria, 1.5 million in Lebanon.. so nope, Israel is not the only place in the Middle East with Christians.
How long do you thing the Christians will be allowed to live freely in Syria or Lebanon? Are there any Jews in these nations?
I find it amazing that you think the passage you just quoted makes your point. PRIOR TO US INVOLVEMENT IN IRAQ there were a million and a half Christians living peacefully in that country. With the emergence of a paramilitary group, a group of questionable origins, Christians are now targeted. I asked you about what regions you were talking about and you balked. You kept on saying "middle east" as if it encompassed the entire Muslim world. You've been talking about Iraq this whole time, and it's not a surprise, because you are a lemming. Go ahead and complain about me coming at you, but the fact is that you are a confused person that doesn't know how to make an argument, and the ones you attempt to make are simplistic and easily defeated. Yeah, Islam is a religion that promotes hatred of other religions. That is true of all but maybe 2 or 3 religions. It's culture that forces people to take religious text into mass violence. Culture fostered by people. But you're such a good Christian that you can't tell the difference, right? I've seen enough posts from you to know that you are far from a good Christian. You just pretend to be, because maybe it was instilled into you by your family. There were a million and a half Christians living in a country that supposedly stifled religion for decades. Then our God fearing country got involved, slaughtered many of their people, and gave them a reason to fear God. You're fighting the wrong battle.
Am I? I figured debating you would be a challenge but I gotta say I'm disappointed by the substance of your arguments. It's mostly personal attacks and insignificant bitching about semantics. Yawn. I'm a terrible Christian. What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Absolutely nothing. I never pretended to be some pious person. So all religions except maybe two or three preach hatred of other religions? really? The biggest religions of the world are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto, Sikhism, and Judaism, and then there are some other Asian religions that have a few million followers. Please show which of these religions other than Islam preaches hatred of other religions and encourages violence toward them. This thread has already enlightened me to the hate speech that is the Koran so I'm all ears. And Barcs already told me how evil Jews are so I'm good there. But you said all except two or three so that gives you plenty to choose from. You're right on one thing, I shouldn't have just said the Middle East. I was generalizing. Here's the countries that comprise the Middle East: Bahrain Cyprus Egypt Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Oman Palestine Qatar Saudi Arabia Syria Turkey United Arab Emirates Yemen And here's the list of the top 50 most difficult countries to be a Christian in as of 2013: North Korea Somalia Syria Iraq Afghanistan Saudi Arabia Maldives Pakistan Iran Yemen Sudan Eritrea Libya Nigeria Uzbekistan Central African Republic Ethiopia Vietnam Qatar Turkmenistan Laos Egypt Burma/Myanmar Brunei Colombia Jordan Oman India Sri Lanka Tunisia Bhutan Algeria Mali Palestinian Territories United Arab Emirates Mauritania China Kuwait Kazakhstan Malaysia Bahrain Comoros Kenya Morocco Tajikistan Djibouti Indonesia Bangladesh Tanzania Niger 84% of the top fifty above is persecution inspired by Islam. 82% of the Middle East made the top fifty list. 7 out of the top 10 are Middle Eastern countries. So my bad, I should have said most of the Middle East or just the Muslim World when referring to Christian persecution. The fact that the US invaded Iraq and the country has deteriorated into its current state is not justification for what is happening now, it's insane for you to insinuate that. The Christians being killed are not Americans or Westerners, they are Iraqis. I don't give a fuck where ISIS originated from as far as this debate goes. They are an Islamic military group that is systematically eradicating Iraq of all Christianity. You state that prior to our involvement in Iraq a million and a half Christians were living peacefully in that country. That's a deceiving statement. They were definitely persecuted and killed. Have you heard of Al-Anfal? The ethnic cleansing of 2000 Assyrians (Christians). The country of Iraq itself was born out of a Christian massacre. And no, it's not just Iraq where Christians are being murdered, the list goes on and on Syria: Egypt: Sudan: Turkey: Tunisia: Nigeria: Pakistan: England: Libya: Iran: Saudi Arabia: Going back hundreds of years there have been persecutions and massacres of Christians throughout the Islam controlled regions. Over the centuries Jihad has claimed the lives of millions of people around the world, including Muslims of competing sects. The Ottomans murdered 3 million Christians between 1914 and 1923. Nothing remotely close has been conducted in the name of any other modern religion.
Back to the OP. It just sounds like a free for all war over there, the whole Gaza thing is nothing when you look at everything else that's happening. An excerpt from "do Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon still exist?" : The most significant result of this is that the continued existence of Syria and Iraq as unified states is now in question. Practically speaking, Syria has already split into three areas, each controlled by one of the three elements listed above. Iraq has also effectively split into Kurdish and Arab zones, with Sunni and Shia groups fighting over the latter. In many ways, Lebanon ceased to function as a unified state some time ago; since Hezbollah essentially functions as a de facto mini-state of its own. The Lebanese Sunnis lack a military tradition and have proved helpless in the face of Iran's support for Hezbollah. But now, the emergence of the Syrian rebels and the growing popularity of Islamism among the Sunni underclass may be altering this balance. This appears to be borne out by the recent surge in Sunni violence against Hezbollah, which is the result of an attempt by Syrian jihadis and other rebels—in concert with their local allies—to bring the war to Lebanon. Taken together, this indicates that a massive paradigm shift is underway in much of the Middle East. The eclipse of Arab nationalist dictatorships in Iraq and Syria, the historical failure to develop a unified national identity in these states, their mixed ethnic and sectarian makeup, and the U.S.'s withdrawal from its dominant position in the region—with the resulting emergence of a Saudi-Iranian rivalry—have all combined to produce an extraordinary result: A region-wide sectarian war is now taking place in the areas still officially referred to as Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.
They also blew up the tomb that supposedly belonged to Jonah.... yes the one who was swallowed by a whale.
Israel is trying to exterminate these Palestinians. I can see why the USA is allied with them. They roll like we roll. I'm surprised they let this cease fire go on three hours now. They must be caving to all the international pressure.
Yeah.... what a dumb thing to say. I don't see that as being the goal of Israel in the least. If they wanted to exterminate the Palestinians they'd already have done so
Barc, I don't think anyone here has rejected the fact that atrocities have been committed in the name of religion. We all know there is truth to that. What is also a fact is that religion has not been the primary factor over the centuries for most of the atrocities that men have committed against each other. Some people however don't want to believe that, the questions is why? Are they so stubborn or prideful that they can't stand to have their ideas proven wrong? That kind of thinking is just as hurtful as someone who blows up buildings because they are inflexible or intolerant of others right to believe what they want.
Right, its not the International eye holding them back! Maybe they can do like 4000 every couple years, they cant possibly reproduce THAT fast!
I would love to visit Germany, too bad im not going to spend money to travel to a foreign country only to get denied entry, again.
Why would they deny you entry? Americans with US passports can go to Germany without needing to apply for a visa.