Isn't that just another way of saying "they would make really shitty parents?" Why is it that anybody thinks the preservation of fertilized zygotes is so important that they're willing to inflict unlimited quantities of poorly parented children on the rest of humanity? I don't get it. There are more than enough assholes walking around already. Do you really need to deal with more? Fuck that. (But please use protection).
Maybe because the chance at life is the greatest gift you can bestow upon somebody and conversely to snuff it out is the ultimate wrong. But maybe that's just my thoughts. Life is everything, and nonexistence is literally nothing. And it is an awful thing to do to take that away once the process has been started
Kind of my attitude, you made the decision to have unprotected sex, you shouldn't be able to have your cake and eat it to because you fucked up and had sex with someone you don't like or you broke up with that guy or you were just drunk.
So you support unwed mothers, free child care, universal health care, more funding for education and a million other things poor people who have no business raising children they don't want and can't afford are going to require to give their hapless offspring a fighting chance to not follow in their miserable footsteps? Because, hey, if they wanted to fuck, well then they can bear the consequences? As well as their children and the rest of society that has to deal with their dysfunction? That's just great. Sign me right up. I don't think many of you in the every sperm is sacred crowd have a lot of experience up close with generational poverty. Three generations of idiots is enough.
I guess you missed the part where I said abortion should be legal due to stratification type issues. Derp
Most people I know that support abortion have never seen an aborted fetus and refuse to look at a picture of one. If you are pro choice, I challenge you to look at all of these pictures before continuing the discussion
Pretty sure that they aren't called babies until they are born. Like many other things, the reason people dislike abortion is because of religion. They believe the fetus won't get to heaven because it wasn't baptized, which is nonsensical reasoning to support anything. If one believes in reincarnation or that we don't have souls, than it exponentially more favorable to abort when the situation isn't good. It's just another way that a certain religion is trying to push it's beliefs into law again. A fetus isn't alive any more than a sperm is, especially early term. They aren't called babies until they are born, they are called fetuses. That "killing baby" nonsense is just propaganda. If proof were to arise that any religion was true or that a fetus' soul is really on the line or even exists, then we can start talking about that. The bottom line is that we don't know. For all we know we could be saving this fetus from a life that will be a living hell.
my 2 cents: I just don't like the whole "woman's right to choose part". That whole argument. And the inevitable rebuttal that I am not allowed to say this because I am a man. It definitely involves more than just the woman and her body, certainly the father at the very least! And men can and should have opinions on the matter overall. You call it the woman's right to choose, it's her body, etc. .and it downplays what is a major life decision affecting others... A woman has a right to make decisions regarding her own body sure, but getting a perm doesn't have the same impact on others that getting an abortion does. I find that argument to be selfish. I am generally against it. I don't personally believe it or like it. But I see Dierking's point in many ways. I also recognize that its necessary to have as legal on the law books though. Abortions existed long before they were properly taken care of in the doctor's office and will occur whether they are illegal or not. Might as well be properly sanctioned and overseen medically.. that's better and safer for everyone. But I don't think it should be treated lightly, or favorably or even as a resort thats not last. ... or again, certainly not identified as solely something associated with the woman.
Barcs, your notion that a fetus isn't any more alive than a sperm is completely ridiculous. The term fetus is considered applicable at 9 weeks of development. The fetus at this stage looks very much like a tiny human, it has developed all it's limbs, wrist ankles, eyes. Even at 7 weeks an embryo has fingers and toes that are visible, ears are formed, as well as teeth an palate, and veins that are visible under a thin layer of skin. Barcs, I challenge you to please look at the pictures I posted above and then try to justify that what you see is equatable to a single cell gamete. By the way Barcs, I believe aborted babies do go to heaven. Please do not use this as a point to bash religion. I am against abortion primarily because my education in biology and physiology and because I was willing to look at the disturbing truths of this practice.
Tough tough subject. As a god fearing yet non-religious person, I'm not convinced that the religious right doesn't have a good platform or a legit argument to rail against it. All life is sacred as it were. On the other hand, as one of the last resorts, I took my wife to the Dominican Republic to have completely illegal (in the US) fetal stem cell transplants to combat her cancer. Those stem cells were harvested from aborted fetuses in Eastern Europe where--we were told--abortion is too often a form of birth control. I can't be a hypocrite and come down against abortion yet reap the benefits (albeit fleeting) of the products thereof. _
I'd like to add that women's choice is a charade. Vast majority of women that receive abortions are eventually overwhelmed with a crippling guilt and experience levels of long lasting traumatization. I am a man but I have seen this first hand. Nobody cares to ever mention this. Abortions are legal and accepted by our society because Planned Parenthood is a big business and their business is abortions. It is only about money, don't make a mistake about it. They don't give a fuck about contraception or your health.
I find it insulting to my education that he claims to be a man of science yet is completely ignorant to the process of embryonic development.
He's a man of naïveté and bigotry. Don't let it get you down MS. Religion is not the end all evil that some children think it is. Not to derail the thread (to respond to you Dierking) but if you're going to rail on the basis of my religion, even though I'm no longer religious, I'll rail against your ignorance. _