Automatic weapons have been illegal in this county since what ... the 30's? where the hell did these guys get automatic weapons? maybe they're being smuggled across the southern border?
I'm a leftist and proud of it. I believe in Home Defense by any means necessary. I don't believe in wanna be Wyatt Earps walking around packing heat just because they can. George Zimmerman isn't packing, Trayvon Martin is still alive. If we're gonna let MilSpec weapons be available, fine. Just don't be surprised when Stocktons or New Castles happen. Comes with the territory. Where does the civilian arms race end Byz? What happens when everybody has MilSpec arms at their disposal?
Gun violence is down in this country over years past by a large measure. People getting there heads bashed into a sidewalk can and have died.
Taking a life is never easy and I'm glad it ended well for you and your family. You weren't out on the town being an self appointed avenger.
and in the 18th century, this country was mostly rural and hunted for sustenance. There was no big arms industry like today. Nice thing about the Constitution is that it's a living document open to tweaking to fit the circumstance of the day.
and almost 100 years ago automatic weapons were made illegal? seriously ... what percentage of gun crimes are done with automatic weapons? further ... what percent are even done with rifles in general?
You can die from getting punched in the temple or throat too. That's the chance you take in a street fight and that's why one should try to avoid them at all costs. Especially these days when folks are prone to simply take out a gun and shoot instead of settling things man to man.
It does seem like California has the lock on spectacular shootouts after bank robberies. This is the second one involving MilSpec weaponry isn't it? Didn't the last group have BPV's?
If George Zimmerman wasn't carrying a gun that day he sits in his car and calls the police about the black kid walking in his neighborhood. When they tell him it's no big deal he goes home and tells everybody about the mugger walking in the neighborhood and how he wished he had a gun to do something about it. Nobody dies that day. The gun did it. With the gun Zimmerman got out of his car and started a confrontation with a complete stranger. A 16 year old kid walking a block from the home he was staying in. He then proceeded to lose the confrontation and killed the kid. George Zimmerman is a walking advertisement for the average person just shouldn't have access to guns under any circumstances. He got away with murder and the only reason he committed the crime was that he had the gun to do it with.
I'm sure he was terrified of the 16 year old kid with or without a gun ... until his head was getting bashed in. I think Zimmermann is a turd btw
You're all over the place. Do you believe in home defense by any means necessary? GREAT! Seems like a completely irrelevant comment when mixed in with the rest of the stuff in this post, though. Zimmerman is a piece of crap. I don't really care what happened with the Trayvon situation, because little defenseless Trayvon also seemed like a total piece of crap. You are being victimized by media hype about a stupid situation. A guy 5 houses down from me had a guy break into his place and he shot the guy 6 times. The guy he shot was mentally deficient, and might have been looking for his mom's place 2 houses down, but it doesn't change the fact that the break-in guy had raped 3 teenage girls 10 years ago. Maybe he deserved to die, maybe he was fixing his life, maybe whatever. I don't let that situation affect how I view home break-ins, child molesters or brain addled young men. It's just a situation that happened. Why is it that you are holding onto one situation that happened to some people that you never met and will never meet? Why? Let it go. It's not the way of the world.
Without the gun he never gets out of his car in the first place. The police gave him the right advice. "Did you see him commit a crime? No. Is he committing a crime now? No. Then go home and don't worry about it." Then the gun started talking to Zimmerman. "Those assholes always get away. Not today. You've got me. Go get him." The reality that there are thousands of people like that walking around legally armed scares me just as much as the idea that there are thousands of bad guys illegally armed. My chance of getting killed by a gun goes up with every gun that is out there and it's just as likely to be a nutjob going off who does the deed as a bad guy trying to rob me. At least I can avoid the bad guys trying to rob me by doing sensible things, like not walking the streets late at night or in the wrong neighborhood. I can't avoid the nutjobs. They could be sitting 5 rows behind me at the movies waiting to shoot a bunch of people. They could be pumping gas next to me and get ticked off about something they think I'm doing. They could even be the neighbor's 15 year old kid taking potshots because he found dad's gun or mom decided he needed to learn how to shoot. They're the dangerous ones from my perspective and they're walking all around us just waiting for the thing that sets them off. The bad guys we might see coming but the nutjobs are going to start shooting when we least expect it. They won't be trying to rob us and shoot us. They'll just be trying to shoot us multiple times. That sick fuck who killed all the kids in Newtown gave them all a double tap to the head just to make sure. He's the guy who you have to keep a gun away from at all costs, even if it means everybody else has to forgo the pleasure of a false sense of security.
Fucking Br4d is like poison to any thread that can be political. So sure of his opinion and if he's wrong, which happens frequently... he's like the internet Jim Jones.
Nice job responding to my points. Throwing insults is a surrender in my book. It means you can't make better points than the ones I made so you attack the messenger because the truth in the message is too much to deal with.
Come on, Bigfoot, you spend most of your time talking down to us, don't get surprised when you get called on it. Seriously, what are we talking about, the OP or Zimmerman? Because you have basically shot your weak load on the Zimmerman saga. Care to actually address the thread you are posting in?