I'm sure someone with a Concealed Carry Lic. could have stopped these bad guys in their tracks. Too bad George Zimmerman wasn't there right? He could have been a NRA/GOP hero all over again. Stopped those bad guys with a single shot. Real John Wayne shit... Then again, these were real hoods with real guns so Sir George The Brave might have had second thoughts.. This is what happens when too many mil spec weapons are available for purchase by anyone who has the cash.
It's too bad that Stockton CA wasn't chosen as one of the cities to receive MRAP military anti personnel units to prevent this heinous crime. Oh, wait, they were. Maybe, just maybe, their police aren't trained properly. Shudder to think about that possibility. But yeah, take the guns from a community that has already been stripped of their guns. Great solution.
So, we should replace all municipal police with para-military (SWAT) units then? Cheaper than deploying the NG definetly. I'm sure there's plenty guns in and around Stockton California as there are in every other municipality in this country. There is no shortage of guns anywhere in Amerika.
Probably about the same as the number of crimes stopped by legal gun owners in the city of Stockton, California assuming they keep such statistics. I'm sure there's no shortage of guns in Stockton California, but it didn't help today at all.. Any civilian that would have got caught up in that firefight would have died.
1-0 Yay for the good guys. In view of today's happenings, a meaningless factoid. It's not the number of pistols as there's probably as many high calibre pistols in the hands of US Citizens as there are ears of corn in Iowa. It's the heavier weapons. The ones that take out schools and banks. The ones kids seem to get their hands on to settle scores. What happens when every person in the United States is armed to the teeth with Mil Spec weaponry? Where does the civilian arms race end? FTR, I'm looking at a AR-15 with a high capacity magazine for home defense. If I can get one in a .308 variant, count me in..
You started in this thread by calling out concealed carry people, who probably number about .02 percent of the city. Sounded like an agendum. Then you back it up with "probably" concerning actual legal gun owners. Have you even had a person break into your residence and threaten your family over the handful of things you own that they might want to sell to some piece of shit for drugs? Have you ever even had a gun pointed in your face? I have had guns in my face more times than I care to admit. At a point, I owned a gun illegally and used it to save my wife's life. Now I live in a state that allows me to CC. And whenever I see somebody that tries to use CC as some half assed political point, I take offense to it, especially when it's something that has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with concealed carry, or legal ownership of a firearm. So pardon me if I get offended by your argument in this thread.
Point taken. But overall, this thread was about the bank robbery, not home invasion. Home protection was never a point of debate here. It was about folks that feel the need to walk around town armed to the teeth like modern day Wyatt Earps. This bank robbery wasn't commited with handguns, but MilSpec weaponry. An argument I often hear from modern day gunslingers is that you never know when you'll need a weapon and "better to have it and not need it" than the other way around. I submit that carrying a weapon outside the home for the sake of "safety" gives a person a false sense of security. It gives someone a sense of empowerment that they otherwise would not have. That said, if someone with a CCL decided to join in that fight to "help out the good guys", they most likely would have been killed either by police thinking they were bad guys or the bad guys thinking they were police. They would have been outgunned to say the least since as far as I know, its hard to conceal a Bushmaster.
At what point in the story that started the OP do you remember reading about concealed carry? Or even George Zimmerman? Are you maybe using this story to promote your own political views?
I brought it up referring to CCL outside of the home. CCL doesn't always mean home defense. It also means being armed in a public setting like say, a bank or a grocery store that's getting robbed. Not sure what the CCL laws are in Cali but a good guess would be you can't carry your firearm into a bank but you can have one OUTSIDE it. The problems comes in when a person feels as though they can act as law enforcement without the proper training. Barney Fife made it famous: "Citizen's Arrest"...
Yeah. But what does it have to do with the story? You told me that this story has to do with a bank robbery, not a home invasion. At what point does it involve concealed carry? And George Zimmerman?
So I guess you're saying it's too bad no one was CC at the crime scene? I just saw the guy had an ak47 ... I thought they were automatic and illegal?
They all had fully automatic AK's and if a nearby civilian had a CCL and was armed, they would have been crazy to join in that firefight. Up against that kind of firepower, their CCL and whatever caliber handgun they had would have been pretty much useless.
People that are committing crimes with firepower like that rarely know how to use their firearms. A person with a CCL is required to know how to use theirs.
Let me take it a step further. A gangbanger once cleared an AK and leveled it at me and my wife. I was able to ready my gun and take half of his face off before he got his gun down to a 45 degree angle. Concealed carry license holders are experienced gun carriers. I don't think you understand what it takes to get that kind of a licence.