Daily News saying it was shot down... A Malaysia Airlines passenger plane was reportedly shot down in Ukraine near the Russian border Thursday. The Boeing 777 had 280 passengers and 15 crew members, Interfax reported citing an an aviation industry source. The plane appears to have gone down in an area where the Ukrainian government has been fighting pro-Russian rebels.
If it was shot down by Russian rebels, then the silver lining might be that the EU or UN finally cracks down in a decisive way on the Russians.
In the second link the reporter actually brought up that "it's not the missing plane, that's what people thought". Starts at 2:08 of the video. Who the hell would have thought a plane missing for months all of a sudden shows up and then crashes? I hate to think there are people that stupid in the world.
This comes hours after the Ukrainian government announced one of its jet fighters was shot down by the Russians. I wonder if the Ukrainian Air Force is on a hair trigger and fucked up big time?
The rebels claimed to have shot down an Ukrainian AN-26 at the same location as the 777 went down, only to later deny it when the news about the airliner broke. Seems like Putin have fucked up big time.
Malaysian flights are at a premium these days. Let's see who actually downed this flight, and make sure it wasn't a ghost flight. And a ghost flight that can be tracked back to it's origin. Legitimately
Because why? Because there was a plane of the exact description of this plane missing months ago? And has never been found?
You beat me to it. Most aren't going to let that get in the way of a story however. Watch the headlines fly.
Question is did they get the Buk missile system from Russia or from one of the Ukraine bases they took over. Russia makes them but the Ukraine has them.
I think the Ukes said it was the Russians themselves, not the rebels, that shot down their fighter jet.
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 going from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. This is the first major screw up by the Russians in their shadow war against the Ukraine. They've now created an international incident that is going to force them to back down for awhile. They're certainly going to have to muzzle the guys firing anti-air rockets for the time being. If the wrong plane goes down now we could have WWIII in short order.